You're a Better Pup Parent Than You Think - Here's Why

You’re a better pup parent than you think.  And in this article, I’ll tell you exactly why I believe that to be true. We’ll also talk about dealing with self-doubt as a pup parent and staying positive with your efforts with your pup! Let’s get right to it ⬇️  Self-Doubt As a Pup Parent Raising a pup can be hard work. In the sense of time, effort, and even mentally. There can be a LOT of ups and downs, frustrating moments, and moments of self-doubt. A good friend of mine recently got a puppy and we’ve had many chats about the challenges of puppyhood. One comment he made was to the effect of “is what I’m doing even working or making a difference”. Like many things in life, we can often find ourselves doubting our efforts. We often wonder if what we are doing is good enough, correct, or even worth our efforts. Those feelings are very real, and can be very tough to deal with! Moments of self-doubt about your abilities as a pup parent are common. While self-doubt can be common, I believe that most times you are doing better than you think you are! Let’s talk about how to combat those negative thoughts and find ways to look at yourself as a pup parent in a positive way! You’re Doing Better Than You Think Like I mentioned before, I think you’re a better pup parent than you may feel you are! And we all need to be reminded of that from time to time! One small note. It is vital you give your dog proper exercise and attention and that you meet their physical needs. That includes vet check-ups, proper nutrition, and using science-based training methods. Most pup parents are doing those things and the rest of this article applies to that group. Caring Is Half the Battle If you’re reading this article, that in itself is evidence that you care about your pup and are likely doing a great job. And caring about your pup’s well-being is half the battle! Our dogs are animals with emotions, and I believe they can know when we are making an effort. And you making an effort is evidence that you’re a great pup parent! Reading articles, watching videos about training techniques, and learning more about your dog’s behavior, health, and wellness is a sign you truly care about your dog. It’s Not JUST About “Behavior” While we focus often on behavior improvement, it’s not the only thing that matters. Your relationship with your pup is a huge part of what makes you a good pup parent. Some behaviors can limit your ability to have a quality relationship with your pup, but generally speaking, you can forge a strong bond with your pup regardless of their behavioral shortcomings. So, try to not let yourself get too hung up on your dog’s problem behaviors. Remember that being a good pup parent is much more than having a “perfect” dog (those don’t exist by the way). Dogs Are Forgiving Dogs are very forgiving creatures. I believe that’s part of why humans have developed such strong bonds with the species over history. So even if you make mistakes (which we all do), your dog will still love you. To me, it’s comforting knowing that my pup will still be there no matter what. Of course, we shouldn’t take advantage of that forgiveness. BUT, knowing that your dog is forgiving should give you peace of mind as you work toward being the best pup parent you can be! Focus on the Positives While I personally despise the rhetoric that positivity is the “catch-all solution” to life’s problems (I do believe positivity is helpful), I think trying to look at the positive efforts you’re making is extremely helpful when you feel down as a pup parent. --- Send in a voice message:

Om Podcasten

Being a dog parent is tough. Between vet visits, picking the right food and treats, and of course, training a well-behaved dog, it can be OVERWHELMING! Our goal with this podcast is to give you actionable, easy-to-understand, and well-thought-out tips and advice to make your daily dog parent life easier! We cover topics like how to keep your dogs cool, figuring out what the h*ck impulse control is (and why your dog might be lacking it) and how to prepare your dog for each season and holiday! And all of that will hopefully help you build a better relationship with your pup!