Holiday/Vacation Anxiety ft. Drew Linsalata

Summer is here and it's the time of year when many people and families are heading of on their annual vacation. For those struggling with disordered anxiety, what 'should' be a nice relaxing time away with loved ones can feel like a panic-stricken week full of challenges. This topic has been requested by my audience and so this week, I'm joined by one of my favorites, Drew Linsalata. We discuss the various struggles anxiety sufferers face when going on holiday, our own experiences with holiday anxiety, and some practical advice for managing those trips away. Enjoy this week's episode!

Om Podcasten

Joshua is the author of best-selling books on anxiety, a previous sufferer and a qualified psychotherapist. Co-hosted by Canadian singer, producer, and amateur linguist Ella Jean, The Panic Pod is a discussion-based podcast offering bite-sized practical advice on managing anxiety. It is also an opportunity to illuminate what medical and academic spheres know about anxiety to discuss it in a way that you can take to the pub. Joshua is a fully qualified Psychotherapist and runs a private counselling practice based in Manchester called The Panic Room. Contact me: [email protected]