My Other Half was THAT useless during My Labour!

Prepare to be astonished at just how rubbish some birth partners can be! However bad you may have had it, ask yourself how you’d feel if your other half went for a round of golf whilst you were in labour! There’s also an appearance from Gorka Marquez, who between tip runs chats about his performance during Gemma’s labours.

Om Podcasten

Welcome to The Overshare with Gemma Atkinson. In each episode Gemma takes on a different topic ranging from the shocking to the hilarious to the tear jerking. Gemma and her guests share open and honest experiences and you’ll hear some of the most jaw dropping stories. In each episode Gemma’s joined by an expert who helps us make sense of some of the curve balls life can throw. This is not for young ears! Expect explicit content in Gemma’s debut podcast series; The Overshare. Come and join us.