Work Rebellion: Juliet B.Schor

Our US theme continues in this exclusive  podcast interview with Professor Juliet B. Schor, the economist and sociologist who advocates the four day week, and who predicted many of the moments the workplace is experiencing as far back as 1992 with her seminal book The Overworked American. She joins Julia Hobsbawm and Stefan Stern in a wide ranging and deep diving discussion looking at the underlying factors behind what it means to be a working American today. This new series of The Nowhere Office is in association with

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Gain insight and intelligence into the future of work now with top guests garnered for you by co-hosts Julia Hobsbawm, author of The Nowhere Office which correctly predicted hybrid working and columnist for Bloomberg’s Work Shift and Stefan Stern management writer for the FT, Guardian and a Visting Professor at Bayes Business School in London. (c) The Nowhere Office is owned by Julia Hobsbawm and produced by Fully Connected Services Ltd And follow @nowhereoffice on Twitter! Show music by Julian Brezon