Entrepreneur Life

About this episode: This week we were joined by our brother/friend/mentor Ladun Thompson, a creator who is constantly walking by faith and allowing God to order his steps. We discuss what it means to be an entrepreneur and how to balance life, friends, and building a network all in one. You would have never guessed what birthed from heartbreak and when God strips you down to re-purpose and re-mold you. Listen up, take notes and enjoy!To contact Ladun or purchase Covered by God clothing, follow him on Instagram @iamladun. 

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About this episode: This week we were joined by our good sis Tiffany Walker, a therapist who is PUTTING IN THE WORK. We discuss faith and mental health (therapy) co-existing, focusing on how to navigate life with friends and family through setting boundaries. Coping with family members during the holiday season allows you to understand what boundaries look like and HOW to set them....CHILEEEEEE Tune in, we lit. To contact Tiffany, follow her on IG @tee.alexandria or send her an email.