156 An Integrative Approach to Menopause with Jessica Green

Jessica Green, an integrative health practitioner, discusses the symptoms and challenges of perimenopause and menopause. She explains how menopausal changes can impact the gut microbiome and offers nutrition strategies to manage symptoms. Jessica emphasizes the importance of blood sugar balance and the benefits of fasting and listening to your body. She also addresses habits and behaviors that can support long-term health.Jessica explores the factors affecting hormones during menopause, including parasites and heavy metal toxicity. She concludes by discussing the connection between parasites and the full moon and the role of chelation in heavy metal cleansing. In this conversation, Jessica Green discusses various supplements and protocols for menopause and hormone support. She mentions the use of chelation for heavy metal detoxification and recommends supplements for estrogen dominance and hot flashes. Jessica also explains the importance of hormone support during the menopause transition and suggests ways to improve T4 to T3 conversion. She provides advice for women approaching menopause and emphasizes the benefits of preventative measures. Jessica's Links:www.jessicagreenwellness.comhttps://www.instagram.com/jessicagreenwellness/Sally's Links:Support the podcast: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/sallygarozzo[Free] Relaxation Hypnosis Recording:  https://bit.ly/relaxationwithsally[Free] Sleep Hypnosis Recording: https://bit.ly/sleephypnosisrecordingHow to Create Phenomenal Self Esteem [£47]:  https://www.sallygarozzo.com/selfesteemMenopause Wellbeing Practitioner [£127] https://www.sallygarozzo.com/meno Cold Water Therapy Practitioner [£127] https://www.sallygarozzo.com/cold Rapid Transformational Therapy [£447]: https://www.sallygarozzo.com/rttInstagram:  https://www.instagram.com/sallygarozzomindmentor Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sallygarozzo/ Send me a voice clip via What’s App - https://wa.me/message/FTARBMO7CRLEL1 Support the show

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I’m Sally Garozzo, award winning Clinical Hypnotherapist, Certified Peri to Post Menopause Wellness Coach & Creator of Menopause Wellbeing Practitioner. This is the place to be to get some answers and to feel supported along this often bumpy journey. It’s my mission to help peri to post menopausal women go from feeling anxious, alone and confused to feeling positive, informed and connected. Here you'll learn about lifestyle interventions and mindset shifts that can make this happen. Join me and my guests on a journey that will educate, empower and motivate you to make menopause a positive force in your life.