The MARTINZ Critical Review - Ep#140 - Donald Lee, Author - "You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete"

AUDIO FIXED! Today’s program marks the official transition in the podcast. By this point in time, most of us are aware that our world is gripped by serious problems, and that a subversive totalitarian takeover is well underway. We can continue to highlight all those problems and issues, or choose to focus on the change that we wish to see, to put our attention and energy into building a new world that makes the existing version obsolete. Its our choice, live in the darkness or bring light forth. I am choosing the later! Joining us to lead off this new series is Donald Lee, a Canadian author amongst other things. Donald has been delivered by the Universe to assist us to bring spirit into materiality, to help people be in the world but not of it, and to guide folks along their individual spiritual journey back to God, the Creator, or Source. In his newest and latest book “What the hell is going on?, Don draws from information from a dozen different fields and presents ideas you may have not heard elsewhere. He “connects the dots” on a web of fraud to expose what’s really going on, how we came to this, and what we can do to get out of it. Don exclaims that we are on a well worn path to totalitarian slavery. But there’s still time to detour to another path. It’s up to every single person to open their eyes, understand what’s really going on, and make this choice. The eclectic Donald Lee apart from being a spiritual author and speaker, he is or has been a musician, a band director, an economist, a businessman, and much more. To learn more about Donal and his work, please visit:

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KNOWLEDGE IS POWER - ARM YOURSELF WITH IT! Thank you for listening - you didn’t have to but you did! EMAIL - [email protected] - to subscribe This podcast seeks to separate the truth from propaganda in the field of natural sciences and human health. Here you will find a hard-hitting analysis and commentary covering a number of prescient topics. It is not enough to simply complain about our problems, and therefore this program aims to find modern solutions to the issues facing all of us.