Mini Rant: You Attract Who You Are, Not Who You Want

The Marketing Secrets Show - Ein Podcast von Russell Brunson


Yes, this is how I really feel… Hit me up on IG! @russellbrunson Text Me! 208-231-3797 Join my newsletter at ---Transcript--- Hey, everybody. This is Russell Brunson. Welcome back to Marketing Secrets Podcast. Today, I've got a little mini rant for you. All right. So I'm in the middle of The One Funnel Away Challenge, and I am having a lot of fun with it. And it's funny because there's 5500 people that joined this one, which is the most we've ever had in a challenge. Which anytime you have a challenge, or that many people, there's always a little bit of crazy in there. I remember hearing Tim Ferriss talk about one time, he said that ... he's like, "When my following was small, everyone seemed normal, but now on my blog," I can't remember what, he's like "I got 10 million readers." He's like, "10 million people. That's the size of New York City." He's like, "There are a lot of crazy, insane people inside of New York City." So based on that, he's like, "People that are reading me," he's like, "there are lunatics. There are people are insane. There's probably murderers. There's like all these horrible people in there." And he's like, "When your audience is so big, there's always a bunch of crazies." And so, I was thinking about that as we start growing and there's people that come in and say funny things and just frustrating. So today, I saw one. And so, this is my little mini rant about it. The comment was basically like, "Russell, I signed up for One Funnel Way. Why do I keep getting emails about One Funnel Way. I'm super angry, and I'm not impatient. It makes me want to refund my money and blah, blah, blah. Quit spamming me with all your stuff." I was just like, all right, number one, do you know what spam is? The definition of spam is not you signing up for something and you getting emails about it. Spam means me stealing your email and sending you unsolicited mail. That is spamming. You getting messages in an auto responder is not. Number two, the reason why I do not pull you off this because it is actually strategic. It actually helps increase how much money we make. Everyone's got this, I don't know... This is the automation gurus. They had this thought in their head, like you don't want somebody just to email for a product they already bought in the past. If you do, blah, blah, blah. Or you don't want someone to see an ad for a product they already bought in the past. You got to make sure that nobody ever sees it. And so, they stress so much about pulling people out and making sure they don't see this thing, this and this. And the reality is the opposite is actually true. So drives me nuts about it. All the automation groups have this thought that yeah, you have to have perfect automations. That's what this guy was complaining about. Like, "If your system is so good. Why don't you pull me out? Because I already bought it." And there's a reason behind it. The reason is because if I did that, it would actually lower your likelihood of success. I learned this initially, actually from Matt Furey, back in the day, Matt Furey, he was promoting some course he had created. And he sent emails every single day for 30 days. And I was on a coaching call. And I heard somebody ask Matt, "Well, when people buy, do you pull them off the list, so they don't keep getting emails." He's like, "No, why would I do that?" "Because they already bought it, why should you keep sending emails?" He's like, "Because," he's like, "the first thing that happens when they buy something is they get what? Buyer remorse. And then, they may buy a product, and they never actually go through it." He's like, "You have to keep selling the person 100 times, even if they bought. You have to sell them on why they shouldn't feel bad about the thing they bought." Two days later, I'm like, "Oh man, that costs a hundred bucks, maybe I need that money." If they see another ad for it, they're like, "Oh yeah." It reconfirm their decision, gets rid of by remorse. And then someone's like, "Oh, I got the course, I haven't gone through yet." Well, if you never message them about it, they're going to forget about it. If I keep messaging them, you keep seeing the ads, it's like, "Oh yeah, I bought that thing. I should go back and do it. Oh yeah." It re-motivates you, re-inspires you, re-gets you excited about going and consuming the thing you already paid for. So by actually not pulling you off of every single list and every retargeting list and every email sequence, I'm actually doing you a favor. It gives you the ability for me to resell you, reconfirm you, get you more excited about the thing over and over and over and over and over again. If I stopped talking about Click Funnels, the moment you sign up for Click funnels, guess what would happen? You wouldn't use Click Funnels. You wouldn't be successful if you use Click Funnels. Like, "Oh, I guess this doesn't work because Russell's not talking about it anymore." I keep talking about it. Because it works. And sometimes, someone uses Click Funnels. And then, some reason, they're not happier that something happens or their business changes and they cancel. If I just say, "Oh, they used to have Click Funnels once. And they're never going to join again. That is not true. People would sign up and cancel, sign up and cancel, over and over and over again. And so, if you keep talking about your message. So while I understand the importance of automation and moving someone from list to list, a lot of times that is not necessary. In fact, it'll hurt your audience more than it'll actually help them. So take that all of you automation experts who think that that's the magic. Literally before the challenge, my team asked me, "Should we be pulling people off the list, the promotion list as they sign up?" I said, "No, because if you do, they sign up two weeks before the challenge starts, they're going to forget in two weeks. But they see the message and the next message, it's coming to you, it's starting tomorrow. I'm like, "If you haven't signed it yet, make sure you sign up." Those things get people to remember and get people that actually show up. So why would I pull them off of those sequences? I need them as excited as the person that bought, the second before we started. And so anyway, there's my mini rant for today. The other mini rant is I want people to understand... I learned this from Myron Golden. You don't attract who you want, you attract who you are. So if you're the kind of customer coming in and complaining like, "Oh, why are you spamming with all your messages? Stop sending me emails. I want to refund my thing. I'm so angry. I'm so impatient, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah." Because you're getting an email, for crying out loud? You're not going to be successful in this marketing game. I promise you that. You do not attract who you want, you to attract who you are. And so, if that's how you feel about marketing, that's the kind of people you're going to bring into your world. And they're going to be the worst customers of all time. They're going to complain. They're going to whine. They're going to be like horrible people. Anyway, it's weird. I don't know works, but it's true. So be the kind of customer, be the kind of subscriber you want. If that email comes and it doesn't make sense to you, just delete it or hide it or ignore it. It's really not a big of a deal. I get in my inbox, I'd say, I don't know, on a minimum 800 to a thousand emails a day. Do I get angry about them? No. Someone's like, "Why don't you unsubscribe from the list?" I'm like "Why would I unsubscribe from the lists. I'm a marketer. I'm trying to see marketing. I want to see 1500 emails come in my inbox every day, with 1500 swipe files of people doing the thing that I'm trying to learn how to do, the thing that I'm trying to become better at doing. Why would I unsubscribe? Are you moron? Or "they send like five emails selling this product, I unsubscribe." I'm like, "Really? I thought you signed up to become a marketer. Watch it, watch what they're doing, figure it out." Don't be like, "Oh, I know what I'm talking about. I'm annoyed. Seriously, that's how you're going to fail in life, especially in this game. Watch, be excited, funnel hack. Be like, "Huh." So like, "I'm angry that Russell is doing this I'm inpatient. What if you stopped for a second? It's like, huh, Russell makes a crap ton more money than me. He makes more per day than I make per decade. I wonder if he knows something I don't know." I don't know. I'm just putting it out there. So yeah, there you go. Me, rant over. That's all I got. You guys don't get bought into this whole automation thing. It is not as powerful or important as you probably think it is. That's number one. Number two, you attract who you are, not who you want. So don't be a bad person. Be awesome. That's all I got. Thanks, you guys. Appreciate you all and have a great day. Talk soon. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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