How to Turn Your Knowledge Into Software

The Marketing Secrets Show - Ein Podcast von Russell Brunson


Here is a trick to increase your stick rate, increase your perceived value, give you the ability to charge more, all while making your customers stick longer. Hit me up on IG! @russellbrunson Text Me! 208-231-3797 Join my newsletter at ---Transcript--- Hey, what's up everybody? This is Russell Brunson. Welcome back to The Marketing Secrets podcast. For today's episode, I want to quote myself. "If you are good at something, you should turn it into software." All right, everybody, hope you guys are doing awesome. I am heading home from the office today. And there's actually a really cool mastermind group that I'm part of, that meets once a year. And they have not met in almost two years now, because of the whole COVID thing. And they're meeting right now, and I'm not able to be there. And it's breaking my heart. But I got a message from my friend, Alison Prince, who is there. And she said, "You've been being quoted three or four times." I said, "What are people saying about me? My ears are burning. Tell me, tell me." And she said that someone quoted, and she read the quote, which was basically something I said last year. The event which is Whatever you're good at, just turn that into software. And I want to give you context, because this group is some of the best personal development gurus in the world. Literally, the who's who. You would know probably 95% their names. And most of them have courses. They got products. They got podcasts. They got YouTube channels. They got all these things where their teaching their stuff. And all of them have bigger reach, bigger following, bigger list, bigger everything than I do. But the reality is, I think, for the most part, I make more money than almost all of them. Not all of them. There's a couple that I'm gaining on. But as a whole, pretty substantially, I make more money than most of them. And when they were talking about last time, I was like, "You guys are all brilliant. You have these ideas. You have these things, but you're selling it as a course. And a course is good. But, man, if you could turn that course into software, it would change everything." And like, "Oh, that doesn't work for me." And I was like, "Yes." You have to understand their art is personal development, right? My art is building funnels. And so for years, I did courses, teaching how to build funnels, and how to lay them out, and how to write copy, and how to do these things. But it wasn't through until we turned our knowledge into software that my businesses went from good to insane, right? And you think about Funnel Scripts, right? We taught people how to write copy for decades. And nobody wants to buy copywriting, so we turned it into software, and boom, Funnel Scripts is a Two Comma Club ex-award winner. Talked about building funnels, and how to do it, and the strategy. But it wasn't until we turned into software that it blew up. I've watched Garrett White recently. Garrett White, if you know, he did live events where men came out to Wake Up Warrior. And he would take them down the beach, and he'd beat them up, and he would make them tough, and turn them into men. And it's amazing, right? And he did that for five or six years doing events every single month. And then, now he stopped those. He shut them down. And now he's turning what he does into software, where you log in to software, you do the thing, you read the thing, you read the message. You listen to the app, you check the thing off, and you're doing the things. And he's transitioning it from information to information blended into software. And so for you guys, I want you think about that. In fact, let me step back. One of my very first mentors, a lot of you guys know this, is Dan Kennedy and Bill Glazer were my first two big mentors. And in their company, Magnetic Marketing, they have a newsletter where they sell access to the monthly newsletter, right? And one of the things that Bill used to always talk to me about is he's like, "You have to have in any kind of continuity, you got to build in pain of disconnect." Meaning, it gets harder for somebody to leave, right? And he said, "The biggest problem in their business was there was no pain of disconnect." People were buying the newsletter, which was great, and it's great recurring income stream. But if something happened, right? Their credit card failed, some bills happen, whatever. First thing to go is info, right? This has been helpful, but I don't have to have this membership. I don't have to have this newsletter. I don't have to have these things for whatever reason. So they're able to cancel them really quickly and very easily, because there's no pain of disconnect. Whereas, ClickFunnels right now, when someone gets an account to ClickFunnels, and set up their site, they set up their funnel, and things are happening in their thing. They have their email list, and they've got things happening. If things shift, and things get hard, and things happen, the last thing they're going to cut is ClickFunnels because the pain of disconnect is so high. They stop paying their bill to ClickFunnels, their business falls apart, right? I remember in the continuity business, when we were doing membership sites and stuff, people would go three, or four, or five months, stop paying. We've been hounding him, trying to get him to pay things like that. Whereas, ClickFunnels is opposite, right? Someone stops paying, sites go down. And within five minutes, they're calling us like, "Oh, here's my credit card. Let me update it." Right? It just shifts the thing, because the pain of disconnect is so high. And so, the problem traditionally with information products, or coaching, or things like that is that there's no pain of disconnect, right? People have it, they can cancel it. And it's simple to do because there's no pain of disconnect. But as soon as you take your course, right? And you turn it into software. Now someone's logging in, they're going in, they're filling out things or taking notes. They've got things they're building up. Now all these things are there. They're stored in the spot. And if they were to cancel, they lose all this information, right? And so, how do you turn your knowledge, the things you're good at into software? I just want you guys thinking about that. We've done it a couple of times this year. One of them recently, and the site's not live yet. It maybe live by the time you guys hear this. But if you go to, we have a process that we use to brain dump, and get the ideas out of our head. And we taught it to people. I showed them how to use it in Trello. I showed people how to do it in different ways, to do in Google Docs. And this is how we brain dump our ideas to write a book, or create a course, or do different things like that. And it was good. Some people paid for us, most people wouldn't, because it was like, "How would I pay you to show me how to brain dump my ideas?" And so, we took this idea, this skill set, this knowledge we have, we turned into software. And the software now allows you to brain dump stuff. And what's cool about it is, number one, it makes the process so much simpler, so much easier. I can just give it to people. They can do it very fast, very easily, which is exciting. That's number one. My number two, is now there's a pain of disconnect. If you spend a week, or a month, or year brain dumping your ideas into our software, you don't want to cancel, because if you do, you lose all the stuff you've brain dumped, right? You lose all your notes, your ideas, all that stuff disappears with you. And so, the pain of disconnect is very, very high. Whereas, if you bought a training course, let's say, you're paying 30 bucks a month to go through my course in how to brain dump your ideas. After month number one, I get the gist, right? I already listened to it or I don't need it any more, whatever. It is easy to cancel. Whereas, the software, now you're part of it, you're probably going to use it forever, right? And so, just want you thinking through those things, right? How do you take what you know, and turn into software? When you do that, you're going to increase your valuations. Your company will be worth more. You increase your stick rates. Your stick will be longer. You increase happiness. People feel the increased perceived value, software feels more expensive than courses, and about a million other things. So anyway, I thought it was cool because they quoted me today during the mastermind meeting. And I wanted to share the quote with you guys, since I'm not able to hang out with all my friends who are super cool. And literally, these people that are changing the world, and I can't be there with them, which is too bad. But at least, I'm doing something cool here as well. So anyway, I don't want to complain about not being there. I stood back for a very important and very cool reason, so no stress. But hopefully, that helps you guys. With that said, I'm home, I'm going to play with my kids, which is the number one reason why I was not able to go. I'm going to go have some fun with them. So appreciate you guys. Thanks so much for listening. And go figure out how to turn your ideas into actual software. Thanks so much everybody. And we'll talk soon. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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