Episode 11: Steph, a midwife, sees the other side of hospitalised birth.

This amazing Australian midwife (Four & Beyond on Instagram) tells her story as she experienced the other side of birth in a hospital. From being told that they won't see her for the first appointment until they "see if this birth sticks" to having a beautiful maternal assisted caesarean. She then talks about the VBAC of 2nd baby and how having knowledge is also how you can make an informed choice. Listen in amazement as professionals in the hospital say they're worried about uterine rupture and her "trying to have a VBAC", then try to give her an induction and make her contractions even stronger. Quotes in this podcast: "We will induce you or cut you open!" "You don't need to be doing that, that's an overreaction!" "Your fluid is fine, your baby is fine...it wasn't!" "The power balance has shifted to me!" "I looked at my CTG and said "Damn, that's gorgeous!"" Visit Bowen Bexley for gentle and non invasive Birth related treatment, and to find out more about having The Male Doula at your next birth".

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Interviews about birth for all sorts of people by all sorts of people.