361: Stop waiting for “perfect” before you start
The Low Carb Hustle Podcast - Ein Podcast von Nate Palmer - Montags

Do you ever find yourself saying that you are going to start your (workout routine, diet, meal prep, etc) once things calm down, get less busy, or "return to normal". Check out episode 361 of The Million Pound Mission Podcast on Apple Podcasts or Stitcher Waiting for "perfect" to happen before getting started is a HUGE transformation danger zone and with this episode I'm going to deliver some key action steps to help you overcome procrastination and perfectionism and get you back into ACTION MODE! Want to win some FREE Keto Bricks?? I've got TWO options for you! #1. The next time you go to www.KetoBrick.com and place an order use the promo code MPM at checkout to be entered to win a free month supply of Keto Bricks! #2. Share out a recent favorite episode of The Million Pound Mission podcast on your Instagram Story and tag me (@MillionPoundMission) to be entered in a drawing to win a free Keto Brick variety pack. You can enter as often as once per day! Need some FREE support, resources, and accountability for your transformation journey? Head on over to www.MillionPoundMission.com to join our FREE Mission Possible Community.