182: The Hidden Performance Hack to Increase Your Results Ft. Dr Sean Pastuch

The Low Carb Hustle Podcast - Ein Podcast von Nate Palmer - Montags


In this episode, Dr. Sean Pastuch unlocks the hidden performance hack to maximize your results. Discover the power of clear communication, positive goal-setting, and mentorship in reaching your full potential. Learn how to enhance your coaching skills, prioritize client understanding, and cultivate personal development for success. Join us as we delve into the transformative strategies that can elevate your performance to new heights.   Dr. Sean Pastuch is a dedicated professional with a Bachelor of Arts in Socio Behavioral and Physical Wellness, a certification as a Personal Trainer, and a Doctor of Chiropractic degree. His journey of self-discovery has taught him valuable lessons about leadership, success, and personal growth, derived from his wife, kids, and mentors. While initially pursuing a career with elite athletes, he found greater fulfillment in helping individuals with relatable lives unlock their full potential. Driven by a desire to bridge the gaps in the fitness and healthcare industries, he strives to create a supportive and inspiring environment where both his team and clients can pursue a shared mission. Through his work, he aims to empower millions of people to live fulfilling lives.   Key Highlights: [00:01 - 09:51] Opening Segment ●      Dr. Sean used a common sense approach with simple tests to address unspoken patient questions and improve body understanding. ●      Quick assessments identify nerve tension and range of motion issues affecting exercise-related comfort. ●      Simple tests reveal and address strength imbalances, potentially minimizing compensations and pain. ●      He prioritizes client understanding over appearing smart   [09:52 - 19:14] Empowering Client Engagement and Rehabilitation ●      Enhanced communication empowers clients and improves their practitioner experiences. ●      Clients actively engage in their rehabilitation process for better health control. ●      Shifting the focus to positive goals improves clients' mindset and communication. ●      Clarifying pain versus injury enables effective movement-specific rehabilitation.   [19:15 - 33:47] Mentorship, Value, and Personal Growth ●      Importance of clear communication and using the right language in coaching. ●      Personal development focus in creating successful businesses and physically independent bodies. ●      Competing on value rather than price, offering more for each dollar spent. ●      Prioritizing mentorship and the impact on clients' personal and professional growth.   [33:47 - 40:10] Closing Segment ●      Focusing on delivering world-class, unexpected value and customer service instead of maximizing profitability. ●      Willing to endure challenges and pain in pursuit of creating a business that changes people's lives. ●      Recognizing that physical fitness goals are also tied to mental well-being, emphasizing the importance of happiness regardless of physical appearance.   Key Quotes: “We want to be the last people you ever need to work with, and then we want you to decide you want to keep working with us despite not needing it anymore.” - Dr. Sean Pastuch   “You can play through pain, you can't play through injury.” - Dr. Sean Pastuch   “I'm not here to compete on price. I'm here to compete on value, and we give people more for our price point per dollar.” - Dr. Sean Pastuch   “If someone asked me, how did you do what you did? I'd ask 'em, how much pain are you ready to endure?” - Dr. Sean Pastuch     CONNECT WITH DR. SEAN:   Here’s how I can help you reach your goals! Get leaner. Live Longer. Be Legendary. ●      Start by understanding the science and simplicity of carb backloading for fat loss - go to GetNatesBook.Com. to get a free copy of Nate’s bestseller “The Million Dollar Body Method” ●      Thelowcarbhustle.com 1. Visit N8training.com - mastermind 2. Join our 5-Day Morning Routine Challenge 3. Get my super easy and accessible FREE 5-Day Sugar Detox Program. All you have to do is put in your email and receive access together with a handbook! Thefreesugardetox.com 4. Get more great tips to get leaner by connecting with me on Instagram @lowcarbhustle 5. Join the MDB Mastermind for just a buck! If you want accountability, coaching, and an amazing training program to get leaner, this is what you need. Go to nate.fit to find out more and get your first 2 weeks for just 1 dollar. 6. Follow us on our Youtube channel: Youtube.com/@n8training If you liked the show, please LEAVE A 5-STAR REVIEW, and share it on social media to get reposted to over 12k of the homies.

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