178: The Truth About Meat and Dairy Ft Tara & Natalie from DiscoverAg
The Low Carb Hustle Podcast - Ein Podcast von Nate Palmer - Montags

In this episode, Tara and Natalie dive into the controversial topic of "commercial" ranches and farming. They debunk myths about the negative impacts of meat and dairy production on the environment and highlight their nutritional benefits. The duo also explores the concept of regenerative agriculture and its potential for sustainable food systems. Later in the episode, they discuss the nutritional benefits of milk and address misconceptions about the beef industry. Tune in as they separate fact from fiction and share their perspectives on the role of meat and dairy in a nutritious diet. Natalie Kovarik and Tara Vander Dussen are the co-hosts of the Discover Ag docu-series as well as the popular podcast Discover Ag. Collectively they have been advocating for agriculture online on various social media platforms for over 10 years. Together they have fostered a community of over 220k, spoken on stages across the nation and globe, and empowered a community to reconnect to the agriculture industry and the hands that feed us. [00:01 - 10:17] Milk’s Nutritional Benefits ● They also discuss the nutritional benefits of drinking milk and emphasize that protein in beef, dairy, and eggs is the most bioavailable to the body. ● Tara talks about the polarizing topic of raw milk and how the choice between raw and pasteurized milk depends on factors like consumption rate and shelf life. ● She also notes that there are cultural differences that can cause lactose intolerance but also mentions that there are now many lactose-free options available. [10:18 - 23:52] Beef Industry: Misconceptions and Grass-Fed vs. Grain-Fed ● Natalie discusses the differences between grass-fed and grain-fed beef, both from a nutritional, production, and conventional standpoint. ● She also clarifies that conventionally raised cows are not forced-fed hormones and soybeans and that feeding them in confined settings is possible, even for grass-fed cows. ● Tara also discusses the benefits of ruminants, such as cows, which can upcycle plant matter into highly nutritious protein. ● They address misconceptions about the beef and dairy farm that it should not be called as “factory” farm. Key Quotes: “The further you are away from the food system, the more you fear it or question it.” - Natalie Kovarik “Obviously, we feel like meat and dairy should both be at the forefront of like a nutritious diet.” -Tara Vander Dussen “Every milk on the shelf is a nutrient powerhouse and is safe, you know, so whether it's within their budget to be organic or conventional like they should be able to feel good about those choices.” -Tara Vander Dussen “Ruminant animals are the only animal or thing on the planet that actually can create protein.” -Tara Vander Dussen "People like to call all of us, you know, across the board from chicken to dairy to beef factory farm. And I will fight someone, you know, tooth and nail to the end of the day that the beef industry truly is made up of families. It is not factorized." - Natalie Kovarik CONNECT WITH NATALIE AND TARA: DiscoverAg Podcast Natalie’s Instagram Tara’s Instagram Getnatesbook - This book is a must-have for anyone looking to drop belly fat and eliminate love handles permanently with expert tips on the 7 daily investments for health and wealth, the one type of cardio you need to include, and a handy checklist to hold yourself accountable to your goals. Don't miss out on this game-changing resource - get your copy today! Here’s how I can help you reach your goals! Get leaner. Live Longer. Be Legendary. 1. Visit N8training.com - mastermind 2. Join our 5-Day Morning Routine Challenge 3. Get my super easy and accessible FREE 5-Day Sugar Detox Program. All you have to do is put in your email and receive access together with a handbook! Thefreesugardetox.com 4. Start by understanding the science and simplicity of carb backloading for fat loss - go to GetNatesBook.Com. to get a free copy of Nate’s bestseller “The Million Dollar Body Method” 5. Get more great tips to get leaner by connecting with me on Instagram @lowcarbhustle 6. Join the MDB Mastermind for just a buck! If you want accountability, coaching, and an amazing training program to get leaner, this is what you need. Go to nate.fit to find out more and get your first 2 weeks for just 1 dollar. 7. Follow us on our Youtube channel: Youtube.com/@n8training If you liked the show, please LEAVE A 5-STAR REVIEW, and share it on social media to get reposted to over 12k of the homies.