167: The Truth About Reverse Dieting Ft. Garrett Serd

The Low Carb Hustle Podcast - Ein Podcast von Nate Palmer - Montags


In this episode, Garrett discusses the truth about reverse dieting and shares ways to optimize training and recovery. He emphasizes the importance of the post-dieting phase in boosting metabolism and preventing yo-yo dieting and explains his approach to fat loss and intuitive eating. The episode also explores immunity hacks and highlights the crucial role of sleep in promoting overall well-being. Overall, the episode provides valuable guidance for anyone looking to achieve long-term success in their nutrition and fitness journey.   Garrett Serd, also known as Coach G, is a registered dietitian, certified personal trainer, and certified wellness coach. His passion for nutrition and fitness began in 2004 when he battled anorexia nervosa at 16 years old. He spent every waking minute learning about nutrition, fitness, and healthy living. He earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Nutrition and Dietetics from Louisiana Tech University and a Master of Science degree in Nutrition & Exercise from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Garrett founded Tandem Nutrition in 2012, where he serves as a women's fat loss expert and continues to inspire and motivate individuals to lead healthier and happier lives.   Key Highlights: [00:01 - 09:16] Opening Segment ●      One of the biggest nutrition myths that drive Garrett absolutely bonkers is the belief that once you are done dieting, you are done with your fat-loss journey. ●      Garrette stresses the post-dieting phase's significance in boosting metabolism and avoiding yoyo dieting. ●      Garrett Serd recounts his experience of overcoming a decade-long eating disorder and becoming a dietician. In 2012, he founded Tandem Nutrition, where he specializes in creating fat loss strategies for women. ●      He works with women exclusively, offering specific strategies that work well for them, especially with the different age changes, menopause, and hormones. [09:17 - 16:35] Diet Phases and Maintenance ●      Four dieting phases: fat loss, metabolic reset, next phase, and intuitive eating approach. ●      Clients are guided to lose weight at a controlled rate while preserving muscle mass during a 12-16 week fat loss phase, followed by transitioning to an intuitive eating approach through a metabolic reset phase. ●      Reverse dieting can have a negative impact on an individual's health and decrease their long-term muscle gain potential. ●      Going back to the maintenance level after a diet is important because the maintenance level changes due to adaptation. ●      Increasing calories can decrease stress hormones and water retention and give more energy for physical activity. [16:36 - 25:41] Transitioning to Intuitive Eating Without Calorie Counting ●      Garrett explains maintenance phase is shorter because we tend to diet. To reset the metabolism, we need at least half the time of the previous diet. ●      Intuitive dieting aims to fit within a certain framework, but portion sizes and calorie counting are not emphasized. ●      The maintenance phase is important for the body to reset and adjust to a new calorie level, allowing hunger hormones to return to normal levels before moving into intuitive eating. ●      Garrett explains transitioning from tracking to intuitive eating involves choosing a meal or day each week not to track and build confidence in achieving results without tracking every day in four steps.   Key Quotes: “The purpose of weight training is to maintain muscle mass, to grow muscle mass.” - Garrett Serd   “You should not leave a workout feeling annihilated. You should feel a workout feeling stimulated.” - Garrett Serd   “Soreness is not an indicator of a great workout.” - Garrett Serd   “The reason why the body fights back is, because, again, it wants to have more body fat, but when you give it ample, no calories, there's a difference in what it sees and what it gets.” - Garrett Serd     CONNECT WITH COACH G:   https://tandemnutrition.com/online-coaching/   Getnatesbook - This book is a must-have for anyone looking to drop belly fat and eliminate love handles permanently with expert tips on the 7 daily investments for health and wealth, the one type of cardio you need to include, and a handy checklist to hold yourself accountable to your goals. Don't miss out on this game-changing resource - get your copy today!      Here’s how I can help you reach your goals! Get leaner. Live Longer. Be Legendary. 1. Visit N8training.com - mastermind 2. Join our 5-Day Morning Routine Challenge 3. Get my super easy and accessible FREE 5-Day Sugar Detox Program. All you have to do is put in your email and receive access together with a handbook! Thefreesugardetox.com 4.  Start by understanding the science and simplicity of carb backloading for fat loss - go to GetNatesBook.Com. to get a free copy of Nate’s bestseller “The Million Dollar Body Method” 5. Get more great tips to get leaner by connecting with me on Instagram @lowcarbhustle 6. Join the MDB Mastermind for just a buck! If you want accountability, coaching, and an amazing training program to get leaner, this is what you need. Go to nate.fit to find out more and get your first 2 weeks for just 1 dollar. 7. Follow us on our Youtube channel: Youtube.com/@n8training If you liked the show, please LEAVE A 5-STAR REVIEW, and share it on social media to get reposted to over 12k of the homies.

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