164: Seed Oils: Health Atrocity or Obesity Scapegoat? Ft. Dr Sarah Zaldivar

The Low Carb Hustle Podcast - Ein Podcast von Nate Palmer - Montags


Get ready to dive deep into the controversial world of seed oils with the brilliant Dr. Sarah Zaldivar! In this episode, we explore seed oils' origin, processing, and impact on our health. Dr. Zaldivar emphasizes the importance of balancing omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids and how our modern diet throws that balance out of whack. But don't worry, she has some amazing advice and recommendations for using healthier alternatives to improve our overall health. Plus, we'll uncover the limitations of studies promoting seed oils and the truth behind their role in obesity.   Dr. Sarah Zaldivar is a weight loss expert with a history of overcoming binge eating disorder, depression, anxiety, and weight struggles. She has lost over 25 pounds of body fat through implementing mindset shifts, a primal diet, and exercise plans. She holds a Ph.D. in Exercise Physiology & Nutrition and is a licensed dietitian, certified personal trainer, and an ACSM-certified Exercise Physiologist. She currently teaches nutrition at Miami Dade College and DeVry University while creating content on various social media platforms.   Key Highlights: [00:01 - 03:10] Opening Segment Sarah first explains seed oil which is known as vegetable oil, where it originated, and how it evolved in the food industry. They were originally produced from cotton production waste products and used for engine lubricants before being introduced into the food supply. Seed oils are heavily processed and deodorized to mask their off-putting smell.   [03:11 - 10:15] Extraction and Refinement Process of Seed Oils They explain the process of extracting oil from nuts and seeds, including cleaning, stripping, heating, and pressing. Hexane is a neurotoxin that can harm the nervous system, but it is commonly used in the food industry to extract fat from protein. They also discuss the process of refining oil to remove colors, odors, and bitterness.   [10:16 - 15:00] Balancing Omega-3 and Omega-6 Sarah reiterates that the ideal omega-3 to omega-6 is 1:1, traditionally found in paleo-ancestral animal diets. The modern American who eats a standard American diet gets 20 to 25 times more omega-6 than omega-3, which is a problem because they both compete or function in the body. She explains that omega-6 and omega-3 need equal amounts for the body to function properly.   [15:01 - 36:59] Omega-3 and Omega-6 Meta-Analysis Studies Sarah points out the limitations of Hong Sue in 2017 study, including the lack of consideration of differences in the source and quality of omega-six fatty acids. She also highlights the problem of excess consumption of omega-six fatty acids, which is common in the Western diet. A study by GH Johnson and Kevin Ritchie suggests that the majority of evidence shows that omega-six polyunsaturated fatty acids, including linoleic acid, can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. Sarah questions this specific study because it only looked at a few inflammatory markers and did not compare an ancestral diet to the Mediterranean diet. A study by Ivanna JK and Philip C Calder found an association between moderate intake of omega-6s and a lower risk of cardiovascular disease, possibly as a result of lower blood cholesterol concentration.   [37:00 - 46:47] Closing Segment They discuss the prevalence of Omega-6 in the standard American diet and its impact on inflammation. They also talk about the funding sources of certain studies that suggest the benefits of seed oils. The study found that coconut oil did not significantly affect markers of glycemia inflammation and adiposity, but it contains Phytosteroids that can mess up hormones. Olive and avocado oil are better options than seed oils, but plant antinutrients and self-defense chemicals can cause different reactions in different people. Eating whole foods like meats, eggs, and dairy instead of processed foods is better for your health. Cutting out seed oils may also be beneficial due to their potential inflammation-causing properties.   Key Quotes:    “Saturated fat and animal fat cannot cause heart disease if you don't first have correlation.” - Dr. Sarah Zaldiva   “The burden of proof should be on this new paradigm of eating, not on our ancestral way of eating. We shouldn't be defending our ancestral way of eating that made us human when we were far a far healthier bunch.” -  Dr. Sarah Zaldiva   “They are both essential fatty acids (Omega 3s and 6s) You must get them both from your diet; otherwise, you cannot be alive.” -  Dr. Sarah Zaldiva     CONNECT WITH DR. ZALDIVAR:   @dr.sarah.zaldivar FOLLOW US ON OUR YOUTUBE CHANNEL: Youtube.com/@n8training Get leaner. Live Longer. Be Legendary. Here’s how I can help you reach your goals! 1. Visit N8training.com - mastermind 2. Join our 5-Day Morning Routine Challenge 3. Get my super easy and accessible FREE 5-Day Sugar Detox Program. All you have to do is put in your email and receive access together with a handbook! Thefreesugardetox.com 4.  Start by understanding the science and simplicity of carb backloading for fat loss - go to GetNatesBook.Com. to get a free copy of Nate’s bestseller “The Million Dollar Body Method” 5. Get more great tips to get leaner by connecting with me on Instagram @lowcarbhustle 6. Join the MDB Mastermind for just a buck! If you want accountability, coaching, and an amazing training program to get leaner, this is what you need. Go to nate.fit to find out more and get your first 2 weeks for just 1 dollar. 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