156:The 1200 Calorie Myth and Why You Can’t Hate Yourself Thin Ft. Mike Millner

The Low Carb Hustle Podcast - Ein Podcast von Nate Palmer - Montags


Losing weight is more than just exercise, you need to visualize the process more than visualize the outcome. But the problem is that most people only visualize their future and never get there. In this episode, Mike shares his knowledge of psychological principles for losing weight faster. He also talks about the 1200-calorie myths and why you can’t hate yourself thin.  Mike Millner has been a nutrition coach for almost 10 years and has a gift for understanding his clients' psychological and physiological needs. His personality-based approach emphasizing mindset has been featured in Thibarmy.com, Nutritional Coaching Institute, Ever Forward Radio, True Transformation, and many others. Mike believes the most important thing is connecting with you and understanding where you're at in your journey. He has been on every end of the spectrum when it comes to dieting and has come out the other side into a place of balance, harmony, and good health. His goal is to help as many people as possible navigate life as healthy individuals in a sustainable and enjoyable way. Key Highlights: [00:01 - 06:51] Opening Segment ●        An overview of Mike's personal journey to weight loss and his core beliefs. ●        Self-discovery began with a therapist and mentor who helped him regain self-awareness ●        Identifying his tendencies and understanding his personality gave him more freedom and flexibility.   [06:52 - 11:16] Internal Believes System Drives Everything ●        He discusses these 3 questions that he recommends to have to know that the belief exists. Where is this coming from? How is this serving me? Is there any truth to it?   [11:17 - 25:21] The Human Connection Really Matters ●        Mike answers Nate’s hard-hitting question, “would you rather have your flight delayed by eight hours, or would you rather lose your luggage?” ●        Mike explains his perspective about the origin of 1200 calories. ●        Mike shares insight into fitness marketing by drawing on people's pain points. ●        Language plays a role, and how you conduct yourself and how you set an example will contribute to how our generational kids learn better.   Key Quotes:   “Our internal belief system drives everything.” - Mike Millner   “It's a lot easier to grow strong children than it is to fix broken adults.” - Mike Millner   “We have to be intentional about our food choices, and like, that's another pillar, which is food quality.” - Mike Millner   “Dopamine without effort is pretty damaging.” - Mike Millner    “Knowing yourself and being able to play your game is really important.” - Mike Millner     CONNECT WITH  MIKE :   neurotypetraining.com Instagram Facebook Get leaner. Live Longer. Be Legendary. Here’s how I can help you reach your goals! 1. Visit N8training.com - mastermind 2. Join our 5-Day Morning Routine Challenge 3. Get my super easy and accessible FREE 5-Day Sugar Detox Program. All you have to do is put in your email and receive access together with a handbook! Thefreesugardetox.com 4.  Start by understanding the science and simplicity of carb backloading for fat loss - go to GetNatesBook.Com. to get a free copy of Nate’s bestseller “The Million Dollar Body Method” 5. Get more great tips to get leaner by connecting with me on Instagram @lowcarbhustle 6. Join the MDB Mastermind for just a buck! If you want accountability, coaching, and an amazing training program to get leaner, this is what you need. Go to nate.fit to find out more and get your first 2 weeks for just 1 dollar. If you liked the show, please LEAVE A 5-STAR REVIEW, and share it on social media to get reposted to over 12k of the homies.

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