052: Keeping Up with the Mom Pressure with Angela Campbell

The Low Carb Hustle Podcast - Ein Podcast von Nate Palmer - Montags


Angela Campbell is the owner and founder of Fitmama Coaching - Helping Busy Women & Moms Lose Belly Fat and Juggle Life. They bring your whole lifestyle together with Faith, Fitness, Nutrition, and Family one habit at a time!   As a MOM and Entrepreneur, the struggle to keep your own health at the top of the priority list is super hard - but it's also very crucial to your own health, to the health of your whole FAMILY relationships, and also your work or business…   In this episode, Angela shares with us her experience as a mom and how she juggles her busy life while remaining on top of her shape.   [00:01 - 10:19] Opening Segment Fitmama, Angela Campbell gives us a brief overview of her life as a mom and entrepreneur Angela’s motivation in helping other women put their health at the first inline Angela takes the Mom or Ant Pop-Quiz   [10:20 - 20:39] Keeping Up with the Pressure How Angela speaks with her clients in keeping them motivated to stay fit and healthy We talk about The Career Mom and the pressure moms have within Why Asking for Help is 99.9% Hard for Moms   [20:40 - 38:24] The Mom-Life Balance Angela talks about her relationship with her husband and their acts of service to one another Communicate.  Men and women are not mindreaders A Word for the Dads and Husbands Out There How to Get Enough Sleep as a Supermom Getting Your Body Back Postpartum    [38:25 - 43:35] Closing Segment A sneak peek into the Campbell family’s quirks and daily routines   Connect with Angela Website: https://acfitmama.com/  Facebook: fitmamagroupforwomen.com LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/angelaicampbell    Get lean, get strong, and get paid!     Let me help you reach your goals for FREE, just go to GetNatesBook.Com.  Break your relationship with sugar and drop fat in 5 days at TheFreeSugarDetox.com, your first step to health. Learn more by connecting with me through Instagram or visit www.LowCarbHustlePodcast.com.    If you liked the show, please LEAVE A 5-STAR REVIEW, like, and subscribe through your favorite streaming platform! Tweetable Quotes   “When you totally shift yourself and you start working on yourself and you put your priorities on you. You're actually investing in your family too. And it's not the other way around.” - Angela Campbell   “Moms, you also have to put yourselves first!” - Angela Campbell   “Give your body credit and grace for what it just went through postpartum.” - Angela Campbell

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