IMAGINE. [The Interview : The Movie]

OWSLA CONFIDENTIAL, LTD.The infinite Skrillifiles: Next Generation— Quantum Force - Ein Podcast von Skrillex


For Colored Girls Who've Completed Suicide: The Afterlife At The End of The Rainbow [An Inspiring Story] Had I exacted this science, For starters, On anyone else but A circle of stars, I forewarn you, I wouldn't be honored as such Just a disheartened philosopher, A nonpartisan biocentric; Listen, I'm learning my lessons and levels UGH, ARE YOU DONE YET. what. WE'RE STILL WAITING. huh? DRAKE BELL How long do i have to keep doing this for? ILLUMINATI Till the end DRAKE BELL Whens the end. ILLUMINATI When it is. Now even looking for something to watch became a writing assignment. *squinting* –and somehow, without even touching my mango, my keyboard was already sticky. *squinting even harder* –No… –No…(?) No. …No. Ugh! Try not to hold your breath. *holding breath/ attempting to block telepathy.* I told you, I need this. *attempt to block telepathy had failed* You don't need anything. *squinting exactly alike* The eyes really are windows… Maybe I should jump out then. –or jump in. dayumm . sike . Alright, I need something to take my mind off this project. How much acid did you put in the water. Enough Fuck, I hate my life. Which bottle is it in. [beat] All of them. *facepalm* Remarkable, what the love of a teenaged girl can do. I wouldn't quite call it that. I would. Don't be gross. I'm you. You're gross. Touche. I don't think we should be doing this. We shouldn't be. Ah come on! Now Johnny Depp? Nice. He's like 100 years old. Ah, to be young again. So wait. How the fuck exactly old is this lady? Really fucking old. Like, how old, though. Really, really fucking old. Okay, I have to talk to this Goddess. [She dances by] *gasp* Is that her?! Yeus. She's young again! It appears she has procured a body! Presumably! I must do the same! At once! At one! Lol who are these dudes. Just wait for it. Hurmph. Nrh. *sigh of deep frustration, facepalm* *falls into a deep unconscious of out sheer bewilderment* Oh good, they're here. Who's they? I don't know! Hm. Suhp. Nice rabbit hole. *shrugs nonscalontly* On telephone) She bought a what a Whole Foods Market? (In public, trying not to be heard) A penis shaped sweet potato. A WHAT? [Speak up] A– penis shaped sweet potato. A WH– A PENIS-SHAPED SWEET POTATO. (Everyone stops and stares) …it was delicious. Nice. I don't know Anymore What to do With myself I'm a mess On the Inside and out –wanna cry about it He's a rock and roll sex God I don't know What to think Anymore No, don't ask My opinion, It gets old Afterawhile, And after awhile I'll cry about it, but Right now, I've gotta get out of this Gotta get out! I gotta get out of this project. Well, how'd you get into it in the first place ? I don't know. I think i really tied one on at some party, I must have really been on one, i don't remember a thing. Ugh, what do you want. Listen, Ill make it quicK: It's bee quick. Do you have a deathclock on this guy, or what. Or what. That's all I want to know. Know what? When? When what? [Stopping] Are you serious. What. If i could tell you “when” then it wouldn't be a deathclock, would it. MAybe it's not. Yeah, I wish. Hey! wishes get granted– –I said that. –You said that. Look– Don't touch me. Sorry. No you're not. –if you can't give me the when–at least give me the how. Oh, the “How” Yeah. You want the “How” Just–yes. If i can't give you the “when”, what exactly makes you think I can give you the “How” Well, do you know how? You're a disgusting excuse for a human being. Well. Okay. “Okay”? I'm not a human being. Oh, right. UGH. I can't spend another minute with that WOMAN. Well, that's your grandmother, so Great-great– Whatever. You exist because she exists. Existed. She was dead before I was born! Actually, that's not true. Beg your pardon. …Ever had your palm read before. All of your kids– “kids “ Read: Lovechildren. Ahem. Are in this room And– Fuck that I'm not writing this scene, It wouldn't be the most horrible thing you'd ever written. No, but it's one of the most horrible things i've ever thought about, Is that so? No! It's funny but– But what? It's the fact I even thought about it that scares me. What is UP. What IS up? Have you ever thought about dating a writer? No. Aw, come on… Actually yes–once Once is all I need! Not you. Daww… I dated a writer once in college. What, really? Really. But that was in college. I was in college. He was a writer. Oh, that's hot. Not Exactly. He worked for Disney. Wait–he what? Hm. I almost forgot about that. DISNEY We didn't [simultaneously] MICKEY MOUSE I didn't. Well, what happened. Nothing, really. He was great. The only problem was… Flashback: Wait, you're 17. SEVENTEEN?? What's th difference! A YEAR! *purses lips* …or like, a couple months… *face* …or like–midnight on your birthday! *squints* But not 17! *shrugs* Hollywood Is Hollywood. Well, New Hollywood is a whole different story What's “New Hollywood?” My level is indifference, Benevolence, inward violence Ending obsessions and arrangements, Incessant sexual repression, Exponential explanations –Of the world i've never lived in, but created, apparently. Now, i”m unhinged Haven't made a decision on whether I should just binger, or Find a new mister, Or end it I'm still sitting Stuck on ‘concentrical' Now I'm unhinged And it's just been a minute I haven't mentioned his name in a minute, but I should stay clear, is it Everclear or Here, son, Just have another bottle Now i'm not stuck on Nothing and no one I cant even see movies anymore All i see is actors, All i hear is conversations I've already written in Closed conversations with critics Dressed as Angels All i see is Camera Angles The city of angels But my algorithm Must have build new york for me, From consciousness or something Sometimes just apartment hunting is Simply avigation and, of course Expanding the map It's just a 3D phenomenon, But all I want is just a hug, You know No you don't know. I've been stuck at concentrical Stopped at Columbus Circle, and The harsher the winter, The fonder of the west I am The girls scream in the audience, I hiss “My sentiments exactly” My sentiments exactly. Keep them all away from me, I'll love them at a distance I only want the music, anyway I only want the music And the music is All anyone knows about her, really Even her mother Who loves her, But at a distance And the music is, The only think she knows, anymore Even the words are just Color that accents it. Holy shit, the early 2000's were corny af Right now is corny af. Yeah, i guess. LOOK AT THESE CREDITS: Oh my God. LOOK AT EM. OKAY, ALRIGHT. YOU DON'T THINK EVERY ONE OF THESE MOTHERFUCKERS HAS A SCREENPLAY IN THEIR BACK POCKET. What's a “Foley editor” NOBODY. Well he's in the credits. Yeah, but do you think even his mother is going to sit this long after the movie is over to see that guys name because he was a–what the fuck “A foley editor” What IS that. I don't know, Mr. Hollywood. Oh, right, I'm Mr. Hollywood. Well, not literally– Of course not. Wait, is that a thing. If it was, would I be it? [Super Nerdy Writer] I mean, you'd at least be the poster child. Okay, my turn. HI THERE, FACE HERE. *inconsolable screaming* Holy shit, the 90's was RAW. Okay, so your childhood is terrifying. Just wait till we get to the *More inconsolable screaming* Lol. Look. What up bro. It's Juggalos. lol . After a few days of layering m usual favorite isocronic tones, it appeared that someone or something elsewhere was attempting to made contact–and though I could't isolate which frequency exactly it was coming from, it usually came in the form of music or some other source, rather what was usually hidden in between th concentrated tones themselves–however, the music always seemed far away, so far awa that it sounded as if it was being played through a tin can, merely connected to another–my own ears–with a string. Woah. Yeah. Do you think it's aliens Probably. Or like, I don't know–some other humans with like, a radio tower or satellite, some shit. I don't know. Right. Lol. maybe you're the alien. I ALREADY TOLD YOU. I DON'T KNOW WHERE IT IS. We know you know where it is. I DO NOT. You're hiding it. HIDE! THAT THING?! So you do know what it is OF COURSE I KNOW WHAT IT IS: And it's RIDICULOUS you think i would be hiding it. BRFORR Quick! HIde! OKay. THAT THING IS ENORMOUS. Hm. Smaller. OK. I n I T I A T I N G S H R INkING SEQUEnCE In 5 Seven Bananas… FUCK, MAN. What's this dumb game. *takes shot* it IS dumb. You have to take a shot every time she eats a banana. Oh no. This is fucked up. *barfs* You wanna play? Nah, I'm good. Diplo. What. You have 57 children. *nods* Never look at me again. *hangs head* Go that way, with your children. Dillon Francis. Yes. You have 8 kids. )That's believable) Oh, wow. *You have 84 kids. WHAT! He has more kids than me! Yes. Astonishingly, however the same percentage of them are black. Go say hello. Uhh. Now: Wait, where are you going. The the auditorium. There's an auditorium? For what. AN ENORMOUS AUDITORIUM is filled to capacity with children of all ages, shapes, and sizes, colors, creeds, genders, and otherwise–but they all seem to have something quirkily in common. What the fuck. How does he have more kids than me?! Are you serious?! Whose kids are THESE. Mind your business. Let me guess. There's still busses pulling up. I know. And a helicopter! Oh, that's just the guest of honor. Are you serious. SKRILLEX thinks he is preforming a charity benefit concert. *landing on helipad* LOL OhGod. MEANWHRILE. Whats in here. NOTHING. Just GET IN THE BOX. NO. GET– NO IN THE BOX WElcome to Jack In The Box Welcome to Hack In the Crack–what are you hacking? Uhhh. Gimme three juicy squirtalicious tacos. Eugh Extra squirt. Gross! And uh– You want anything. I'm good. Suit yourself. Best tacos ever. __ Wait, hold on. “Wait what” I think i might be getting tired, or something. Right…tired, “or something.” Or something. RIght. *blow horn* * * * * * * * Do you ever get lonely. No. Oh… But it's safe to say, all I can think about sometimes is getting railed. Oh! Moving on. Watch this. *snipes* Nice. Now check it out, that's where she respawns. (from behind) Not always. Oh shit. *stop*camping* DOUBLE KILL. Nice. Fuck I hate this map. Fuck I hate this map. Would you shut up. You wanna see a world class superstar fall out of alignment? …no. Too bad. You're hired. …hired for what. You applied on indeed, right? Yeah, as a janitor. NO. You're a paparazzi, dressed as a janitor. What! Here's your camera. (it is a cheap disposable) Are you serious. You get any good pictures, we'll talk about a nikon. Can't I just use my iPhone? Depends. Do you want your iPhone smashed? …no. Then NO. … “The Bad Boys Of Hollywood” Prepare To Be Canceled the gathering of this ingenuine group of elites causes a frenzy and stir amongst the masses as they appear, cross-dimensionally to have been reborn into stardom, mysteriously gaining controversy and mass fandom, to which no bounds can be seen as to the unstartlingly political incorrectness. I'm gonna need you to do me a favor. What's that? Shut up Don't ever look at me again. If i could take my eyes out, I would. No, need–I can do it for you. Haha, charade you are. You're a disaster. That's your excuse. Yeah, what's yours? Under the indifferential circumstances– “ooh–lala” I'm not as partial to making excuses as –as to what? Kissing ass? Only cute ones. Let it settle in, way down below deck Where the honor rollers are, The high rollers, far above you You wanna know how long the ride is? Wanna know how far you've come If i could throw you overboard, I'd trust you Love is not enough The seas are rough An open wound A bleeding heart How right you are The tea is strong, Like solid gold A needle's bond With no remorse, The tithes are gone Upright, Upright To end, to End That's right, I said Just end it I said “Better me than him” Another dinner with a friend A fear for framework, Or indifference again In this selection or Collection, Bears and end to End And End to end Upright And End to End Upright And End to end I dont know, if i want to know you I dont love like I want to love but I watched him raise the dead, Just so he had a friend I don't know if you've been told, but I don't love like I want to love, and I often raise the dead, Just so i can have a friend To play with It's darker in here, Oh, It's sufferable So I just want to know I live in a haunted house With a cat and a mouse But the old cat's gone, now the mouse tends to travel a lot I've nothing to haunt, (I'm a ghost in Toronto) A car show, A hollow heart, A starving artist, A scar; Over her bottom lip she runs her tongue So it goes: The stars on his face remind her of him So it goes: We all want Out of body Out of Mind Out of soul Out of body Out of mind Out of soul Out of body Out of mind Out of soul Why (Why-Why) Would you leave me to wake (Why) In a terrible world Without you in it (A M ercedes emblem to hang around my neck, It's very simple) I tried to settle on subtle saffron I tried to love you, Then I moved on Do you ever wonder about philosophy? Do you ever wonder if anyone's watching you Secretly? Do you ever dream of it? (I'm just a ghost in a mansion) I haven't even had breakfast I've practically been dead half a century I sold the whole eiffel tower on craigslist What a bargain! You started it! I'm not arguing. I lost that bet, you know. Clearly. Is it that obvious? How do you lose a bet to Dillon Francis? He lost the bet but won the race. Whatever that means Okay. Who the fuck wrote this. [No show of hands] Nobody?! Thats our GOD. That's your God. yes. I thought Beyonce was your God. That's what I just SAID. We must infiltrate. But how. That which binds up through time The chemical, physical and biological nature of love An exploration of the meaning of meaning 1st, Second, and Third Movement Nice, I finally get to use a didgeridoo And bagpipes! And my trumpet! That sounds more like a french horn Or a “Jimmy Fallon and The Impenetrable Ten” Well, not entirely Impenetrable *stabs with sword* KRISTEN SHAAL Woah. MAYA RUDOLPH (or whoever) Dang. TINA FEY (or whoever) (At least it wasn't me) Right. –all i'm sayin. Wait, who got stabbed? Whoever. Not Jimmy Fallon. No. His untimely death is later. How much later? I don't– __ Meanwhile Dillon, if you spend $20 on Magic, I'm going to kill you. Haha, If i spend $20 on magic,it's very likely someone else is going to kill me. So it's settled. $20 on Magic, please. Fair. Ooh. Is this getting close to the part where Yup. SHH. WHY ARE WE MOVING BACKWARDS THROUGH TIME. BECAUSE THAT'S THE ONLY WAY TO GO BACKWARDS. No, it isn't. What. I Came into blank street Tryna see a [?!] all coffee No cream please Scream supacree But really you can't see me Can't take it to deep on w sweetie keyboard Feed me b Seymour Ain't tryna be gory Corey Hate to inform you I I'm stuck at the rock I'm stuck at the bottom Youre stuck at the top Fine! fuckin fuck Drew Barrymore, then! Work harder and more often Fuck love and whole foods cause they All Flashback music London … …. …… ………. Who else has seen this. Nobody, just us. We must burn this at once. I wholeheartedly agree. [Remarkably huge bonfire.] Did u make copies. ya . Ooh, that's cool. Very creative. Wow Nice. … … …. Have you seen this? No. Look at it. …ilikeit. Sensations of sadness Salacious arpeggios Arduous agressions Transitions– progressive Incendiary imagery Electric Synthesis Intentionally focused, configurative –Literally Skrillex. Ugh, that might be the last thing I ever write about him. Just shoot the nigga. Ooh, he's so cute. Keep him away from me. C'mon. Yo–I can't. Fine, i'll do it. *sighs indifferently* You could move a mountain; I could stop the tide In a flash; All at once It was a long, long drive I miss the coast (Or maybe, I just miss the sunshine) You could move a mountain Keep me from going insane (If I was inside, you'd) Keep me from going outside (if I was in, though, you'd) Keep me from going in, Under the circumstances I can't stand it, but I'm back from having summer standing under subtle waters Waiting for someone who Never shows up, so So Suffer no longer I wouldn't want to want you, if i wondered more about it At the surface, Or way under Nothing wants what nothing gets And noting gets nothing Anyways, so Here's for the abstract Stream of conscious Nothing moves mountains, but You could move mountains In a flash, and I turned the tide on I saw the tidal With my ghost And twelve apostles I've been waiting for Godot For so long I still think He might come Haha, what a charade We all are Huh I love you What was that? I've run off Huh I love you What was that? I've run off I finally fell out of love Look, I broke my own heart Sharp as a tack Straight as a whip I bite my lip, Fall into bed Maybe it's a hex Maybe it's a breakfast in bed kind of moment I've been waking up with someone, But going in the world alone, eh It's never run to remember where you've been After a binder You would think with so much in my system I'd have reached indifference, Well, didn't you I didn't yet, In fact, I'm still tying one one, With a friend At the moment Well perhaps, just perhaps, It might be time that I let you go then? Don't be so chauvinistic. Isn't this a barmitvah? Hasn't this been discussed at several other functions To no exact conclusions More Complications I could just FUCK, I COULD LISTEN TO THIS SONG FOREVER. He says it's a pluck, But i see it's percussive If I could give less of a fuck Then I probably coudn't. Woah How many wishes I've granted This festival season How many shifts that I've written through Sitting on busses and subways Looking suspicious as ever and probably smelling atrocious. INT. BLINK FITNESS. …I'm not using that shower. I thought I'd be more employable After sorting some, But it seems as though The more there is The more there isn't And the deeper it gets –the number of spirits I've risen Since getting here Is steady rising It's no surprise I've got more friends that died Than have lived here. It's been a very long year But I fucked it off quickly I'll never listen to Skrillex again If you paid me, But i'll play it In my mixes Depending Fuck it, There my brain went Down the drain again I've been training over a year And i'm still not Kayla fit I'm sick of it I've been waiting for Godot Since the year that I wrote it I've been wearing these bracelets for years Still haven't seen frozen, So i can't let it go yet Oh shit. This is all a distraction The underground is massive Another Michaelangelo Anglo Saxon anonymous I want an erroneous daughter Or Androgynous, Whatever These prostitutes have Graduate degrees with honors All I ever was, Was a disappointment I got a smile like Madonna's But none of the love at all I got a back end like Beyonce's But just some of the talent “What's an ass for If i'm cellibate, anyhow?” I asked God, She said, “Eat A Taco” I just hope that's not a euphemism for lesbianism Not that i'm intolerant, it's just that The older I get The straighter I am, And dammit He's sharp as a tack Straight as a whip I write books, And mind my own business It's impossible to whitewash all of us But I love rock and roll Look: It's a S i T uATiO NA L C0MEDy. So?! SO, THIS IS THE SITUATION: I don't wanna do this. My heart's so broken I could hold it on chopsticks You ever wonder what love is I've forgotten I'm having a hard time holding it all in I'm an artist I've got colorful emotional troubles Others love it Lil biiiiiitttzzz Man, fuck new york. I was apartment hunting and I got off the train in midtown– Technically the upper west side, but, you know, Midtown So i get off the train and I get ready to cross the street: I'm like Oh, Awesome–Trader Joes; Maybe this is the right neighborhood So i gotta use the bathroom anyway, so I head towards trader joes And I see this like– Box of birds. No, not a cage. It was like–a bird box I'm like “what. Birds.” Not just birds, though, Colorful birds– Like, straight up parakeets. I'm like, “What. the fuck” Then, before I can even look up– This dude–I just see his leg, though, He just– kicks the box of birds. “what.” Like, towards me, and i'm like “Okay, alright.” Now i got a box of birds at my feet on this busy ass corner in midtown manhattan Adjacent to Trader Joes And I look up at the guy, who kicked the box of birds, And he has this bowl So I look at the guy, And I look at the bowl, And what's in the bowl. IT'S MORE BIRDS. “OH NO!' I say. Yes, I say this, out loud, in Midtown manhattan “Oh no!” Cause it's not just a bowl of birds It's a bowl of PIGEONS. Just kickin it, in this dudes bowl. I'm like “Oh no.” And then i cross into trader joes. “Yep, right neighborhood.” Alright, here's the plan. where did you come from. nowhere. someone shoot that lady. DILLON FRANCIS I'm your worst nightmare. Dillon Francis is everyone's worst nightmare: He's a good looking white dude with too much money. He's literally like 8 Billion People's worst nightmare. GET OUT OF HERE, COLONIZER. Oh, man. DILLON FRANCIS is trapped in the hood. Try being famous over here! Motherfucker! More on that later. Look, I don't even like you like that! That's okay—-but I still want to suck your cock and that's not gonna change. *hangs head* I'm am not ashamed. I just might watch porn in the morning. Come on, 6:30, roll the fuck around. Wait, Which one is the Brown eyed dillon francis. The one with brown eyes. He's the trustworthy one. Well good luck with that. (The one that doesn't exist.) I didn't take the train today; I thought I was going to jump Thought i'd better play it safe Filled up my shopping cart, Got everything I wanted Everything and more Might not look my best but At least I'm not gone Come on, six o clock I just want to be alone She's got the gift of gab Grew up two blocks from here In the ghetto I've heard it all before But love, my heart's so broken And you turn me on some I'm gonna smoke your seamen* out of a nektar collector. That shit is like crack to me. Oh no. Who is this about. I'll give you one guess. I don't have any guesses. It's five past Christ I just opened my eyelids And rolled back my mind I tried to find you, after all, didn't I I might have designed you (On second thought I did) I might need time (if I believed in it) can't apologize for being human, but I wear your eyes all over the world I wear the memories of many girls And many nights Suffer the consequences Sure, I've been subway surfing, wondering Wait, where was I again? I was almost, Almost a person There's so much to learn from And too much to learn here I've been fighting off demons, Fighting the feeling of Falling in love again But I can't fall in Cause I never fell out Afterward, I went past it And on to the next one I might double back though– To find that I hadn't quite left in the– To find that I hadn't quite left in the first place To find that we haven't quite met yet At least not the right way It's probably a lesson I might miss the lecture I've got other plans today Fuck, so it is Skrillex. Not really exactly. On second thought, at first glance Better illusion, than hypnotism But if I can't be like that Why be anything at all If not a model Or artist Brought it up at the wrong time (You would want her) I wasn't one for improper introductions Or impromptu arrangements There, there It's just getting better So better not whine about it I wake up in a pile full of rocks; I guess it's better than a puddle of blood, Cause nobody loves me I've been alone, not lonely And never alone as long as I like Cause they all just surround me Now I know what it's like to be famous Without all the money and glamour– Turns out, that's the part that alluring I'd better find out what I did this for In the next downpour I'll be soaked to my torso exactly Aren't you proud of me (not really) I learned to cope by narrowing down all my options As time rolled on I got worse at making up stories As it turns out I didn't have to make them up at all They were happening to me So truly and honestly All my job was to “Mark My Words” Said The God Quite astonishing literally But I got bored of running and still not looking like Kayla Lauren I wouldn't bring it up, except The photographic evidence was damaging At least Dillon Francis has no audacity as such Then again, —I've never even been on an album cover. There you have it I've been lusting over Several other Talented masters and Handsome disasters But matter of fact It just started with One random – Well, now that I think about it, if I haven't believed in coincidences Since this, Random is just as likely as foreign a concept As such Immaculate conception, This contraption At first glance, a sonogram Play it back, Caught in the act again Cause in the act again I'll probably make a list of Weird shit I want to do with him When I think of it in public (That's usually where it happens) And if anything is random –It's that. ILLUMINATI DREAMS: PART III Dillon Francis broke up with his girlfriend to be with me. That was cool. We were best friends and got along really well. Went hiking in a beautiful park with crystal clear water and gorgeous ruins— Fell in the water and got my phone wet but it was in an otter box. I felt guilty about his girlfriend a feared they would get back together— But he was over her and super loyal to me — It all started when I tried to crawl into a giant bed to give Sonny a blowjob: Sonny was sleeping alone and Dillon was sleeping with his girlfriend— Dillon decided he wanted the blowjob; I refused because I would not let him cheat on his girlfriend; So he broke it off with her— Sonny never woke up There was no blowjob but Dillon and I ended up together. Sonny disappeared like he never existed anyway. Dillon and I were happy together and never fought. We were very in love. It was just a dream but still good to see Dillon. It felt warm and good. Lmfao wtf is wrong with you SOMETHING, obviously. It made a difffetent sound from further away, and better yet, an actual sound up close—I had been enamored enough walking by to move towards the lights after I was sure that my laundry was as close to complete as possible, but — A clock stops me in my tracks A Starbucks cup not in the trash lies in the ground I love the sparkles On Rockaway boulevard, Making it harder to ponder The underworld, unnerved of the undeserving The servicemen and servers of the surface Boughroughs further than Manhattan At the center lil biiiiiitzzzzs — Bro, I love the cops in New York All the cops in the east are bar none top notch I'm not kidding I went to a show in Miami once and I was walking this really long walk between one part of the venue and another I will never forget this like, line of cops that were like along the path and every single one of them was model hot I'm not joking I'm almost wish I was because I couldn't help myself from looking That's not even the worst part! the worst part was, they were looking back at me! All of em! I was like: “what the fuck is going on with these cops?! “ V.O. I couldn't shake the feeling that I was going cry– So instead of running two miles on the treadmill I went three– But I still wanted to punch something. So I lifted some. I've been worried i'll plateau at the benchpress, the more I keep running… But I don't care. I'd rather weighless, and have a man, Than keep lifting like this, And be a man. Sometimes I'm worried I might be turning into one. Sometimes, depending on the way I dress, I'm mistaken for one– Or at least– Give off an air of general confusion. But I don't mind. Not that much. I'm no naturally designed to attract the kind of men I like. It might take a bit of maintenance, But i'm determined to persist I couldn't imagine what it would be like to have been born a beautiful woman. But maybe, if i'm lucky, or if I try hard enough, I'll have an idea of what it's like to have become one. I'm counting my blessings. All of them. I'm saying my prayers. A lot. And I'm crossing my fingers– that the longer, harder, and faster I run, The closer I get to actually living. That is, To be loved. I wish I could take my eyes out and wash them wit soap. Oh. I wish i didn't know you existed; I wish I Didn't know how to love you God, I spoke to soon I opened up all of the wrong doors, I'm done for, You know, I'm not really good at nothing Nothing at all I wish i didn't know at all You were ever born; But there you are, a son of God, And I'm just rolling along, writing anthems, and carrying on as if everything happened at once But it hasn't Not yet, I'm still breaking my neck on the alter If you want blood I've got it Jump the broom, But watch your heart I've got a dagger full of them; You'd think i had it backwards, But that's the hard part If it were the other way around Oh But it's not No I don't want to love anyone, anymore, God Take me off of this rock Throw me head first overboard Push me in front of a bus; Or give me a heart attack I've had it harder before, But that was over there, I'm omnipresent. I could write forever to this (Ten years ago) I put the book with the devil on front Into my row A collection of noveelties An erection, selective To say the least But please, forgive me I'm veen on my knees And barely breathing, Let it simmer, Simmer down please settle, way below the belt Above you and Beyond this, But I'll never firget what you said (i love you) I'll nevr forget what you said And I'll never look back, dad And I'll never go back ther And I'll neve have blue eyes And I'll never have blonde hair And I'll never have white skin And I'll never be better At least not at this partl But maybe the other I'm just friendless I like it My security blanket The party i wasnt invited to My lies are compulsive; But not quite pathological But the girl was obnoxious And my spirit tyrannical I'm an animal But I pray a lot And used to fast as much Now that Ive been determined to be an deplorable Why not just kill myself? I'd be better off after With a kitchen, a shower I'd forget about money; Getting paid by the hour. I'd be better off anyway I need a vacation It was all in my head, anyway Then again, so is heaven Amen A…men A…men… It's a dangerous game we play But i'd rather not kill myself over you (Again) I'd rather not kill myself again I'd rather not kill myself Could be a coincidence But I doubt it, Since I don't believe in them But I could be getting my lines crossed My rum mixed with vodka And getting my ass whooped more often That's not a metaphor: I'm not a fighter It was metaphysical before, But now its atrocious This night'll be a lot longer If i remain hungry But I wanna look like Madonna! (minus, of course, the minor difference between us) I hadn't understood what an age gap meant, Until jumping it (hardee har har, that's a good one) I'm not even in my body right now; But i'm in my head Shut up, Becky! Isn't it bad enough, Your society? Fuck, I'm losing my mind Just not being blonde enough Or just not being wanted, or something (Loved) Playing the victim, But hey, At least i'm playing something! All these instruments are just too expensive I was just thinking how Photosensitive epilepsy and synestesia Might be deadly But I said “till death do us part” So i think that's what I need I thought my suicide ended it Now I'm in hell with him But I'd end it over and over again Just to be rid of him (yes, i'm serious) Fuck, man, Madonna's gonna kill— For Colored Girls Who've Completed Suicide: The Afterlife At The End of The Rainbow [An Inspiring Story] Had I exacted this science, For starters, On anyone else but A circle of stars, I forewarn you, I wouldn't be honored as such Just a disheartened philosopher, A nonpartisan biocentric; Listen, I'm learning my lessons and levels UGH, ARE YOU DONE YET. what. WE'RE STILL WAITING. huh? DRAKE BELL How long do i have to keep doing this for? ILLUMINATI Till the end DRAKE BELL Whens the end. ILLUMINATI When it is. Now even looking for something to watch became a writing assignment. *squinting* –and somehow, without even touching my mango, my keyboard was already sticky. *squinting even harder* –No… –No…(?) No. …No. Ugh! Try not to hold your breath. *holding breath/ attempting to block telepathy.* I told you, I need this. *attempt to block telepathy had failed* You don't need anything. *squinting exactly alike* The eyes really are windows… Maybe I should jump out then. –or jump in. dayumm . sike . Alright, I need something to take my mind off this project. How much acid did you put in the water. Enough Fuck, I hate my life. Which bottle is it in. [beat] All of them. *facepalm* Remarkable, what the love of a teenaged girl can do. I wouldn't quite call it that. I would. Don't be gross. I'm you. You're gross. Touche. I don't think we should be doing this. We shouldn't be. Ah come on! Now Johnny Depp? Nice. He's like 100 years old. Ah, to be young again. So wait. How the fuck exactly old is this lady. Really fucking old. Like, how old, though. Really, really fucking old. Okay, I have to talk to this Goddess. [She dances by] *gasp* Is that her?! Yeus. She's young again! It appears she has procured a body! Presumably! I must do the same! At once! At one! Lol who are these dudes. Just wait for it. Hurmph. Nrh. *sigh of deep frustration, facepalm* *falls into a deep unconscious of out sheer bewilderment* Oh good, they're here. Who's they? I don't know! Hm. Suhp. Nice rabbit hole. *shrugs nonscalontly* On telephone) She bought a what a Whole Foods Market? (In public, trying not to be heard) A penis shaped sweet potato. A WHAT? [Speak up] A– penis shaped sweet potato. A WH– A PENIS-SHAPED SWEET POTATO. (Everyone stops and stares) …it was delicious. Nice. I don't know Anymore What to do With myself I'm a mess On the Inside and out –wanna cry about it He's a rock and roll sex God I don't know What to think Anymore No, don't ask My opinion, It gets old Afterawhile, And after awhile I'll cry about it, but Right now, I've gotta get out of this Gotta get out! I gotta get out of this project. Well, how'd you get into it in the first place ? I don't know. I think i really tied one on at some party, I must have really been on one, i don't remember a thing. Ugh, what do you want. Listen, Ill make it quicK: It's bee quick. Do you have a deathclock on this guy, or what. Or what. That's all I want to know. Know what? When? When what? [Stopping] Are you serious. What. If i could tell you “when” then it wouldn't be a deathclock, would it. MAybe it's not. Yeah, I wish. Hey! wishes get granted– –I said that. –You said that. Look– Don't touch me. Sorry. No you're not. –if you can't give me the when–at least give me the how. Oh, the “How” Yeah. You want the “How” Just–yes. If i can't give you the “when”, what exactly makes you think I can give you the “How” Well, do you know how? You're a disgusting excuse for a human being. Well. Okay. “Okay”? I'm not a human being. Oh, right. UGH. I can't spend another minute with that WOMAN. Well, that's your grandmother, so Great-great– Whatever. You exist because she exists. Existed. She was dead before I was born! Actually, that's not true. Beg your pardon. …Ever had your palm read before. All of your kids– “kids “ Read: Lovechildren. Ahem. Are in this room And– Fuck that I'm not writing this scene, It wouldn't be the most horrible thing you'd ever written. No, but it's one of the most horrible things i've ever thought about, Is that so? No! It's funny but– But what? It's the fact I even thought about it that scares me. What is UP. What IS up? Have you ever thought about dating a writer? No. Aw, come on… Actually yes–once Once is all I need! Not you. Daww… I dated a writer once in college. What, really? Really. But that was in college. I was in college. He was a writer. Oh, that's hot. Not Exactly. He worked for Disney. Wait–he what? Hm. I almost forgot about that. DISNEY We didn't [simultaneously] MICKEY MOUSE I didn't. Well, what happened. Nothing, really. He was great. The only problem was… Flashback: Wait, you're 17. SEVENTEEN?? What's th difference! A YEAR! *purses lips* …or like, a couple months… *face* …or like–midnight on your birthday! *squints* But not 17! *shrugs* Hollywood Is Hollywood. Well, New Hollywood is a whole different story What's “New Hollywood?” My level is indifference, Benevolence, inward violence Ending obsessions and arrangements, Incessant sexual repression, Exponential explanations –Of the world i've never lived in, but created, apparently. Now, i”m unhinged Haven't made a decision on whether I should just binger, or Find a new mister, Or end it I'm still sitting Stuck on ‘concentrical' Now I'm unhinged And it's just been a minute I haven't mentioned his name in a minute, but I should stay clear, is it Everclear or Here, son, Just have another bottle Now i'm not stuck on Nothing and no one I cant even see movies anymore All i see is actors, All i hear is conversations I've already written in Closed conversations with critics Dressed as Angels All i see is Camera Angles The city of angels But my algorithm Must have build new york for me, From consciousness or something Sometimes just apartment hunting is Simply avigation and, of course Expanding the map It's just a 3D phenomenon, But all I want is just a hug, You know No you don't know. I've been stuck at concentrical Stopped at Columbus Circle, and The harsher the winter, The fonder of the west I am The girls scream in the audience, I hiss “My sentiments exactly” My sentiments exactly. Keep them all away from me, I'll love them at a distance I only want the music, anyway I only want the music And the music is All anyone knows about her, really Even her mother Who loves her, But at a distance And the music is, The only think she knows, anymore Even the words are just Color that accents it. Holy shit, the early 2000's were corny af Right now is corny af. Yeah, i guess. LOOK AT THESE CREDITS: Oh my God. LOOK AT EM. OKAY, ALRIGHT. YOU DON'T THINK EVERY ONE OF THESE MOTHERFUCKERS HAS A SCREENPLAY IN THEIR BACK POCKET. What's a “Foley editor” NOBODY. Well he's in the credits. Yeah, but do you think even his mother is going to sit this long after the movie is over to see that guys name because he was a–what the fuck “A foley editor” What IS that. I don't know, Mr. Hollywood. Oh, right, I'm Mr. Hollywood. Well, not literally– Of course not. Wait, is that a thing. If it was, would I be it? [Super Nerdy Writer] I mean, you'd at least be the poster child. Okay, my turn. HI THERE, FACE HERE. *inconsolable screaming* Holy shit, the 90's was RAW. Okay, so your childhood is terrifying. Just wait till we get to the *More inconsolable screaming* Lol. Look. What up bro. It's Juggalos. lol . After a few days of layering m usual favorite isocronic tones, it appeared that someone or something elsewhere was attempting to made contact–and though I could't isolate which frequency exactly it was coming from, it usually came in the form of music or some other source, rather what was usually hidden in between th concentrated tones themselves–however, the music always seemed far away, so far awa that it sounded as if it was being played through a tin can, merely connected to another–my own ears–with a string. Woah. Yeah. Do you think it's aliens Probably. Or like, I don't know–some other humans with like, a radio tower or satellite, some shit. I don't know. Right. Lol. maybe you're the alien. I ALREADY TOLD YOU. I DON'T KNOW WHERE IT IS. We know you know where it is. I DO NOT. You're hiding it. HIDE! THAT THING?! So you do know what it is OF COURSE I KNOW WHAT IT IS: And it's RIDICULOUS you think i would be hiding it. BRFORR Quick! HIde! OKay. THAT THING IS ENORMOUS. Hm. Smaller. OK. I n I T I A T I N G S H R INkING SEQUEnCE In 5 Seven Bananas… FUCK, MAN. What's this dumb game. *takes shot* it IS dumb. You have to take a shot every time she eats a banana. Oh no. This is fucked up. *barfs* You wanna play? Nah, I'm good. Diplo. What. You have 57 children. *nods* Never look at me again. *hangs head* Go that way, with your children. Dillon Francis. Yes. You have 8 kids. )That's believable) Oh, wow. *You have 84 kids. WHAT! He has more kids than me! Yes. Astonishingly, however the same percentage of them are black. Go say hello. Uhh. Now: Wait, where are you going. The the auditorium. There's an auditorium? For what. AN ENORMOUS AUDITORIUM is filled to capacity with children of all ages, shapes, and sizes, colors, creeds, genders, and otherwise–but they all seem to have something quirkily in common. What the fuck. How does he have more kids than me?! Are you serious?! Whose kids are THESE. Mind your business. Let me guess. There's still busses pulling up. I know. And a helicopter! Oh, that's just the guest of honor. Are you serious. SKRILLEX thinks he is preforming a charity benefit concert. *landing on helipad* LOL OhGod. MEANWHRILE. Whats in here. NOTHING. Just GET IN THE BOX. NO. GET– NO IN THE BOX WElcome to Jack In The Box Welcome to Hack In the Crack–what are you hacking? Uhhh. Gimme three juicy squirtalicious tacos. Eugh Extra squirt. Gross! And uh– You want anything. I'm good. Suit yourself. Best tacos ever. __ Wait, hold on. “Wait what” I think i might be getting tired, or something. Right…tired, “or something.” Or something. RIght. *blow horn* * * * * * * * Do you ever get lonely. No. Oh… But it's safe to say, all I can think about sometimes is getting railed. Oh! Moving on. Watch this. *snipes* Nice. Now check it out, that's where she respawns. (from behind) Not always. Oh shit. *stop*camping* DOUBLE KILL. Nice. Fuck I hate this map. Fuck I hate this map. Would you shut up. You wanna see a world class superstar fall out of alignment? …no. Too bad. You're hired. …hired for what. You applied on indeed, right? Yeah, as a janitor. NO. You're a paparazzi, dressed as a janitor. What! Here's your camera. (it is a cheap disposable) Are you serious. You get any good pictures, we'll talk about a nikon. Can't I just use my iPhone? Depends. Do you want your iPhone smashed? …no. Then NO. … “The Bad Boys Of Hollywood” Prepare To Be Canceled the gathering of this ingenuine group of elites causes a frenzy and stir amongst the masses as they appear, cross-dimensionally to have been reborn into stardom, mysteriously gaining controversy and mass fandom, to which no bounds can be seen as to the unstartlingly political incorrectness. I'm gonna need you to do me a favor. What's that? Shut up Don't ever look at me again. If i could take my eyes out, I would. No, need–I can do it for you. Haha, charade you are. You're a disaster. That's your excuse. Yeah, what's yours? Under the indifferential circumstances– “ooh–lala” I'm not as partial to making excuses as –as to what? Kissing ass? Only cute ones. Let it settle in, way down below deck Where the honor rollers are, The high rollers, far above you You wanna know how long the ride is? Wanna know how far you've come If i could throw you overboard, I'd trust you Love is not enough The seas are rough An open wound A bleeding heart How right you are The tea is strong, Like solid gold A needle's bond With no remorse, The tithes are gone Upright, Upright To end, to End That's right, I said Just end it I said “Better me than him” Another dinner with a friend A fear for framework, Or indifference again In this selection or Collection, Bears and end to End And End to end Upright And End to End Upright And End to end I dont know, if i want to know you I dont love like I want to love but I watched him raise the dead, Just so he had a friend I don't know if you've been told, but I don't love like I want to love, and I often raise the dead, Just so i can have a friend To play with It's darker in here, Oh, It's sufferable So I just want to know I live in a haunted house With a cat and a mouse But the old cat's gone, now the mouse tends to travel a lot I've nothing to haunt, (I'm a ghost in Toronto) A car show, A hollow heart, A starving artist, A scar; Over her bottom lip she runs her tongue So it goes: The stars on his face remind her of him So it goes: We all want Out of body Out of Mind Out of soul Out of body Out of mind Out of soul Out of body Out of mind Out of soul Why (Why-Why) Would you leave me to wake (Why) In a terrible world Without you in it (A M ercedes emblem to hang around my neck, It's very simple) I tried to settle on subtle saffron I tried to love you, Then I moved on Do you ever wonder about philosophy? Do you ever wonder if anyone's watching you Secretly? Do you ever dream of it? (I'm just a ghost in a mansion) I haven't even had breakfast I've practically been dead half a century I sold the whole eiffel tower on craigslist What a bargain! You started it! I'm not arguing. I lost that bet, you know. Clearly. Is it that obvious? How do you lose a bet to Dillon Francis? He lost the bet but won the race. Whatever that means Okay. Who the fuck wrote this. [No show of hands] Nobody?! Thats our GOD. That's your God. yes. I thought Beyonce was your God. That's what I just SAID. We must infiltrate. But how. That which binds up through time The chemical, physical and biological nature of love An exploration of the meaning of meaning 1st, Second, and Third Movement Nice, I finally get to use a didgeridoo And bagpipes! And my trumpet! That sounds more like a french horn Or a Jimmy Fallon and The Impenetrable Ten Well, not entirely Impenetrable *stabs with sword* KRISTEN SHAAL Woah. MAYA RUDOLPH (or whoever) Dang. TINA FEY (or whoever) (At least it wasn't me) Right. –all i'm sayin. Wait, who got stabbed? Whoever. Not Jimmy Fallon. No. His untimely death is later. How much later? I don't– __ Meanwhile Dillon, if you spend $20 on Magic, I'm going to kill you. Haha, If i spend $20 on magic,it's very likely someone else is going to kill me. So it's settled. $20 on Magic, please. Fair. Ooh. Is this getting close to the part where Yup. SHH. WHY ARE WE MOVING BACKWARDS THROUGH TIME. BECAUSE THAT'S THE ONLY WAY TO GO BACKWARDS. No, it isn't. What. I Came into blank street Tryna see a [?!] all coffee No cream please Scream supacree But really you can't see me Can't take it to deep on w sweetie keyboard Feed me b Seymour Ain't tryna be gory Corey Hate to inform you I I'm stuck at the rock I'm stuck at the bottom Youre stuck at the top Fine! fuckin fuck Drew Barrymore, then! Work harder and more often Fuck love and whole foods cause they All Flashback music London … …. …… ………. Who else has seen this. Nobody, just us. We must burn this at once. I wholeheartedly agree. [Remarkably huge bonfire.] Did u make copies. ya . Ooh, that's cool. Very creative. Wow Nice. … … …. Have you seen this? No. Look at it. …ilikeit. Sensations of sadness Salacious arpeggios Arduous agressions Transitions– progressive Incendiary imagery Electric Synthesis Intentionally focused, configurative –Literally Skrillex. Ugh, that might be the last thing I ever write about him. Just shoot the nigga. Ooh, he's so cute. Keep him away from me. C'mon. Yo–I can't. Fine, i'll do it. *sighs indifferently* You could move a mountain; I could stop the tide In a flash; All at once It was a long, long drive I miss the coast (Or maybe, I just miss the sunshine) You could move a mountain Keep me from going insane (If I was inside, you'd) Keep me from going outside (if I was in, though, you'd) Keep me from going in, Under the circumstances I can't stand it, but I'm back from having summer standing under subtle waters Waiting for someone who Never shows up, so So Suffer no longer I wouldn't want to want you, if i wondered more about it At the surface, Or way under Nothing wants what nothing gets And noting gets nothing Anyways, so Here's for the abstract Stream of conscious Nothing moves mountains, but You could move mountains In a flash, and I turned the tide on I saw the tidal With my ghost And twelve apostles I've been waiting for Godot For so long I still think He might come Haha, what a charade We all are Huh I love you What was that? I've run off Huh I love you What was that? I've run off I finally fell out of love Look, I broke my own heart Sharp as a tack Straight as a whip I bite my lip, Fall into bed Maybe it's a hex Maybe it's a breakfast in bed kind of moment I've been waking up with someone, But going in the world alone, eh It's never run to remember where you've been After a binder You would think with so much in my system I'd have reached indifference, Well, didn't you I didn't yet, In fact, I'm still tying one one, With a friend At the moment Well perhaps, just perhaps, It might be time that I let you go then? Don't be so chauvinistic. Isn't this a barmitvah? Hasn't this been discussed at several other functions To no exact conclusions More Complications I could just FUCK, I COULD LISTEN TO THIS SONG FOREVER. He says it's a pluck, But i see it's percussive If I could give less of a fuck Then I probably coudn't. Woah How many wishes I've granted This festival season How many shifts that I've written through Sitting on busses and subways Looking suspicious as ever and probably smelling atrocious. INT. BLINK FITNESS. …I'm not using that shower. I thought I'd be more employable After sorting some, But it seems as though The more there is The more there isn't And the deeper it gets –the number of spirits I've risen Since getting here Is steady rising It's no surprise I've got more friends that died Than have lived here. It's been a very long year But I fucked it off quickly I'll never listen to Skrillex again If you paid me, But i'll play it In my mixes Depending Fuck it, There my brain went Down the drain again I've been training over a year And i'm still not Kayla fit I'm sick of it I've been waiting for Godot Since the year that I wrote it I've been wearing these bracelets for years Still haven't seen frozen, So i can't let it go yet Oh shit. This is all a distraction The underground is massive Another Michaelangelo Anglo Saxon anonymous I want an erroneous daughter Or Androgynous, Whatever These prostitutes have Graduate degrees with honors All I ever was, Was a disappointment I got a smile like Madonna's But none of the love at all I got a back end like Beyonce's But just some of the talent “What's an ass for If i'm cellibate, anyhow?” I asked God, She said, “Eat A Taco” I just hope that's not a euphemism for lesbianism Not that i'm intolerant, it's just that The older I get The straighter I am, And dammit He's sharp as a tack Straight as a whip I write books, And mind my own business It's impossible to whitewash all of us But I love rock and roll Look: It's a S i T uATiO NA L C0MEDy. So?! SO, THIS IS THE SITUATION: I don't wanna do this. My heart's so broken I could hold it on chopsticks You ever wonder what love is I've forgotten I'm having a hard time holding it all in I'm an artist I've got colorful emotional troubles Others love it Lil biiiiiitttzzz Man, fuck new york. I was apartment hunting and I got off the train in midtown– Technically the upper west side, but, you know, Midtown So i get off the train and I get ready to cross the street: I'm like Oh, Awesome–Trader Joes; Maybe this is the right neighborhood So i gotta use the bathroom anyway, so I head towards trader joes And I see this like– Box of birds. No, not a cage. It was like–a bird box I'm like “what. Birds.” Not just birds, though, Colorful birds– Like, straight up parakeets. I'm like, “What. the fuck” Then, before I can even look up– This dude–I just see his leg, though, He just– kicks the box of birds. “what.” Like, towards me, and i'm like “Okay, alright.” Now i got a box of birds at my feet on this busy ass corner in midtown manhattan Adjacent to Trader Joes And I look up at the guy, who kicked the box of birds, And he has this bowl So I look at the guy, And I look at the bowl, And what's in the bowl. IT'S MORE BIRDS. “OH NO!' I say. Yes, I say this, out loud, in Midtown manhattan “Oh no!” Cause it's not just a bowl of birds It's a bowl of PIGEONS. Just kickin it, in this dudes bowl. I'm like “Oh no.” And then i cross into trader joes. “Yep, right neighborhood.” Alright, here's the plan. where did you come from. nowhere. someone shoot that lady. DILLON FRANCIS I'm your worst nightmare. Dillon Francis is everyone's worst nightmare: He's a good looking white dude with too much money. He's literally like 8 Billion People's worst nightmare. GET OUT OF HERE, COLONIZER. Oh, man. DILLON FRANCIS is trapped in the hood. Try being famous over here! Motherfucker! More on that later. Look, I don't even like you like that! That's okay—-but I still want to suck your cock and that's not gonna change. *hangs head* I'm am not ashamed. I just might watch porn in the morning. Come on, 6:30, roll the fuck around. Wait, Which one is the Brown eyed dillon francis. The one with brown eyes. He's the trustworthy one. Well good luck with that. (The one that doesn't exist.) I didn't take the train today; I thought I was going to jump Thought i'd better play it safe Filled up my shopping cart, Got everything I wanted Everything and more Might not look my best but At least I'm not gone Come on, six o clock I just want to be alone She's got the gift of gab Grew up two blocks from here In the ghetto I've heard it all before But love, my heart's so broken And you turn me on some I'm gonna smoke your seamen* out of a nektar collector. That shit is like crack to me. Oh no. Who is this about. I'll give you one guess. I don't have any guesses. It's five past Christ I just opened my eyelids And rolled back my mind I tried to find you, after all, didn't I I might have designed you (On second thought I did) I might need time (if I believed in it) can't apologize for being human, but I wear your eyes all over the world I wear the memories of many girls And many nights Suffer the consequences Sure, I've been subway surfing, wondering Wait, where was I again? I was almost, Almost a person There's so much to learn from And too much to learn here I've been fighting off demons, Fighting the feeling of Falling in love again But I can't fall in Cause I never fell out Afterward, I went past it And on to the next one I might double back though– To find that I hadn't quite left in the– To find that I hadn't quite left in the first place To find that we haven't quite met yet At least not the right way It's probably a lesson I might miss the lecture I've got other plans today Fuck, so it is Skrillex. Not really exactly. On second thought, at first glance Better illusion, than hypnotism But if I can't be like that Why be anything at all If not a model Or artist Brought it up at the wrong time (You would want her) I wasn't one for improper introductions Or impromptu arrangements There, there It's just getting better So better not whine about it I wake up in a pile full of rocks; I guess it's better than a puddle of blood, Cause nobody loves me I've been alone, not lonely And never alone as long as I like Cause they all just surround me Now I know what it's like to be famous Without all the money and glamour– Turns out, that's the part that alluring I'd better find out what I did this for In the next downpour I'll be soaked to my torso exactly Aren't you proud of me (not really) I learned to cope by narrowing down all my options As time rolled on I got worse at making up stories As it turns out I didn't have to make them up at all They were happening to me So truly and honestly All my job was to “Mark My Words” Said The God Quite astonishing literally But I got bored of running and still not looking like Kayla Lauren I wouldn't bring it up, except The photographic evidence was damaging At least Dillon Francis has no audacity as such Then again, —I've never even been on an album cover. There you have it I've been lusting over Several other Talented masters and Handsome disasters But matter of fact It just started with One random – Well, now that I think about it, if I haven't believed in coincidences Since this, Random is just as likely as foreign a concept As such Immaculate conception, This contraption At first glance, a sonogram Play it back, Caught in the act again Cause in the act again I'll probably make a list of Weird shit I want to do with him When I think of it in public (That's usually where it happens) And if anything is random –It's that. ILLUMINATI DREAMS: PART III Dillon Francis broke up with his girlfriend to be with me. That was cool. We were best friends and got along really well. Went hiking in a beautiful park with crystal clear water and gorgeous ruins— Fell in the water and got my phone wet but it was in an otter box. I felt guilty about his girlfriend a feared they would get back together— But he was over her and super loyal to me — It all started when I tried to crawl into a giant bed to give Sonny a blowjob: Sonny was sleeping alone and Dillon was sleeping with his girlfriend— Dillon decided he wanted the blowjob; I refused because I would not let him cheat on his girlfriend; So he broke it off with her— Sonny never woke up There was no blowjob but Dillon and I ended up together. Sonny disappeared like he never existed anyway. Dillon and I were happy together and never fought. We were very in love. It was just a dream but still good to see Dillon. It felt warm and good. Lmfao wtf is wrong with you SOMETHING, obviously. It made a difffetent sound from further away, and better yet, an actual sound up close—I had been enamored enough walking by to move towards the lights after I was sure that my laundry was as close to complete as possible, but — A clock stops me in my tracks A Starbucks cup not in the trash lies in the ground I love the sparkles On Rockaway boulevard, Making it harder to ponder The underworld, unnerved of the undeserving The servicemen and servers of the surface Boughroughs further than Manhattan At the center lil biiiiiitzzzzs — Bro, I love the cops in New York All the cops in the east are bar none top notch I'm not kidding I went to a show in Miami once and I was walking this really long walk between one part of the venue and another I will never forget this like, line of cops that were like along the path and every single one of them was model hot I'm not joking I'm almost wish I was because I couldn't help myself from looking That's not even the worst part! the worst part was, they were looking back at me! All of em! I was like: “what the fuck is going on with these cops?! “ V.O. I couldn't shake the feeling that I was going cry– So instead of running two miles on the treadmill I went three– But I still wanted to punch something. So I lifted some. I've been worried i'll plateau at the benchpress, the more I keep running… But I don't care. I'd rather weighless, and have a man, Than keep lifting like this, And be a man. Sometimes I'm worried I might be turning into one. Sometimes, depending on the way I dress, I'm mistaken for one– Or at least– Give off an air of general confusion. But I don't mind. Not that much. I'm no naturally designed to attract the kind of men I like. It might take a bit of maintenance, But i'm determined to persist I couldn't imagine what it would be like to have been born a beautiful woman. But maybe, if i'm lucky, or if I try hard enough, I'll have an idea of what it's like to have become one. I'm counting my blessings. All of them. I'm saying my prayers. A lot. And I'm crossing my fingers– that the longer, harder, and faster I run, The closer I get to actually living. That is, To be loved. I wish I could take my eyes out and wash them wit soap. Oh. I wish i didn't know you existed; I wish I Didn't know how to love you God, I spoke to soon I opened up all of the wrong doors, I'm done for, You know, I'm not really good at nothing Nothing at all I wish i didn't know at all You were ever born; But there you are, a son of God, And I'm just rolling along, writing anthems, and carrying on as if everything happened at once But it hasn't Not yet, I'm still breaking my neck on the alter If you want blood I've got it Jump the broom, But watch your heart I've got a dagger full of them; You'd think i had it backwards, But that's the hard part If it were the other way around Oh But it's not No I don't want to love anyone, anymore, God Take me off of this rock Throw me head first overboard Push me in front of a bus; Or give me a heart attack I've had it harder before, But that was over there, I'm omnipresent. I could write forever to this (Ten years ago) I put the book with the devil on front Into my row A collection of noveelties An erection, selective To say the least But please, forgive me I'm veen on my knees And barely breathing, Let it simmer, Simmer down please settle, way below the belt Above you and Beyond this, But I'll never firget what you said (i love you) I'll nevr forget what you said And I'll never look back, dad And I'll never go back ther And I'll neve have blue eyes And I'll never have blonde hair And I'll never have white skin And I'll never be better At least not at this partl But maybe the other I'm just friendless I like it My security blanket The party i wasnt invited to My lies are compulsive; But not quite pathological But the girl was obnoxious And my spirit tyrannical I'm an animal But I pray a lot And used to fast as much Now that Ive been determined to be an deplorable Why not just kill myself? I'd be better off after With a kitchen, a shower I'd forget about money; Getting paid by the hour. I'd be better off anyway I need a vacation It was all in my head, anyway Then again, so is heaven Amen A…men A…men… It's a dangerous game we play But i'd rather not kill myself over you (Again) I'd rather not kill myself again I'd rather not kill myself Could be a coincidence But I doubt it, Since I don't believe in them But I could be getting my lines crossed My rum mixed with vodka And getting my ass whooped more often That's not a metaphor: I'm not a fighter It was metaphysical before, But now its atrocious This night'll be a lot longer If i remain hungry But I wanna look like Madonna! (minus, of course, the minor difference between us) I hadn't understood what an age gap meant, Until jumping it (hardee har har, that's a good one) I'm not even in my body right now; But i'm in my head Shut up, Becky! Isn't it bad enough, Your society? Fuck, I'm losing my mind Just not being blonde enough Or just not being wanted, or something (Loved) Playing the victim, But hey, At least i'm playing something! All these instruments are just too expensive I was just thinking how Photosensitive epilepsy and synestesia Might be deadly But I said “till death do us part” So i think that's what I need I thought my suicide ended it Now I'm in hell with him But I'd end it over and over again Just to be rid of him (yes, i'm serious) Fuck, man, Madonna's gonna kill— For Colored Girls Who've Completed Suicide: The Afterlife At The End of The Rainbow [An Inspiring Story] Had I exacted this science, For starters, On anyone else but A circle of stars, I forewarn you, I wouldn't be honored as such Just a disheartened philosopher, A nonpartisan biocentric; Listen, I'm learning my lessons and levels UGH, ARE YOU DONE YET. what. WE'RE STILL WAITING. huh? DRAKE BELL How long do i have to keep doing this for? ILLUMINATI Till the end DRAKE BELL Whens the end. ILLUMINATI When it is. Now even looking for something to watch became a writing assignment. *squinting* –and somehow, without even touching my mango, my keyboard was already sticky. *squinting even harder* –No… –No…(?) No. …No. Ugh! Try not to hold your breath. *holding breath/ attempting to block telepathy.* I told you, I need this. *attempt to block telepathy had failed* You don't need anything. *squinting exactly alike* The eyes really are windows… Maybe I should jump out then. –or jump in. dayumm . sike . Alright, I need something to take my mind off this project. How much acid did you put in the water. Enough Fuck, I hate my life. Which bottle is it in. [beat] All of them. *facepalm* Remarkable, what the love of a teenaged girl can do. I wouldn't quite call it that. I would. Don't be gross. I'm you. You're gross. Touche. I don't think we should be doing this. We shouldn't be. Ah come on! Now Johnny Depp? Nice. He's like 100 years old. Ah, to be young again. So wait. How the fuck exactly old is this lady. Really fucking old. Like, how old, though. Really, really fucking old. Okay, I have to talk to this Goddess. [She dances by] *gasp* Is that her?! Yeus. She's young again! It appears she has procured a body! Presumably! I must do the same! At once! At one! Lol who are these dudes. Just wait for it. Hurmph. Nrh. *sigh of deep frustration, facepalm* *falls into a deep unconscious of out sheer bewilderment* Oh good, they're here. Who's they? I don't know! Hm. Suhp. Nice rabbit hole. *shrugs nonscalontly* On telephone) She bought a what a Whole Foods Market? (In public, trying not to be heard) A penis shaped sweet potato. A WHAT? [Speak up] A– penis shaped sweet potato. A WH– A PENIS-SHAPED SWEET POTATO. (Everyone stops and stares) …it was delicious. Nice. I don't know Anymore What to do With myself I'm a mess On the Inside and out –wanna cry about it He's a rock and roll sex God I don't know What to think Anymore No, don't ask My opinion, It gets old Afterawhile, And after awhile I'll cry about it, but Right now, I've gotta get out of this Gotta get out! I gotta get out of this project. Well, how'd you get into it in the first place ? I don't know. I think i really tied one on at some party, I must have really been on one, i don't remember a thing. Ugh, what do you want. Listen, Ill make it quicK: It's bee quick. Do you have a deathclock on this guy, or what. Or what. That's all I want to know. Know what? When? When what? [Stopping] Are you serious. What. If i could tell you “when” then it wouldn't be a deathclock, would it. MAybe it's not. Yeah, I wish. Hey! wishes get granted– –I said that. –You said that. Look– Don't touch me. Sorry. No you're not. –if you can't give me the when–at least give me the how. Oh, the “How” Yeah. You want the “How” Just–yes. If i can't give you the “when”, what exactly makes you think I can give you the “How” Well, do you know how? You're a disgusting excuse for a human being. Well. Okay. “Okay”? I'm not a human being. Oh, right. UGH. I can't spend another minute with that WOMAN. Well, that's your grandmother, so Great-great– Whatever. You exist because she exists. Existed. She was dead before I was born! Actually, that's not true. Beg your pardon. …Ever had your palm read before. All of your kids– “kids “ Read: Lovechildren. Ahem. Are in this room And– Fuck that I'm not writing this scene, It wouldn't be the most horrible thing you'd ever written. No, but it's one of the most horrible things i've ever thought about, Is that so? No! It's funny but– But what? It's the fact I even thought about it that scares me. What is UP. What IS up? Have you ever thought about dating a writer? No. Aw, come on… Actually yes–once Once is all I need! Not you. Daww… I dated a writer once in college. What, really? Really. But that was in college. I was in college. He was a writer. Oh, that's hot. Not Exactly. He worked for Disney. Wait–he what? Hm. I almost forgot about that. DISNEY We didn't [simultaneously] MICKEY MOUSE I didn't. Well, what happened. Nothing, really. He was great. The only problem was… Flashback: Wait, you're 17. SEVENTEEN?? What's th difference! A YEAR! *purses lips* …or like, a couple months… *face* …or like–midnight on your birthday! *squints* But not 17! *shrugs* Hollywood Is Hollywood. Well, New Hollywood is a whole different story What's “New Hollywood?” My level is indifference, Benevolence, inward violence Ending obsessions and arrangements, Incessant sexual repression, Exponential explanations –Of the world i've never lived in, but created, apparently. Now, i”m unhinged Haven't made a decision on whether I should just binger, or Find a new mister, Or end it I'm still sitting Stuck on ‘concentrical' Now I'm unhinged And it's just been a minute I haven't mentioned his name in a minute, but I should stay clear, is it Everclear or Here, son, Just have another bottle Now i'm not stuck on Nothing and no one I cant even see movies anymore All i see is actors, All i hear is conversations I've already written in Closed conversations with critics Dressed as Angels All i see is Camera Angles The city of angels But my algorithm Must have build new york for me, From consciousness or something Sometimes just apartment hunting is Simply avigation and, of course Expanding the map It's just a 3D phenomenon, But all I want is just a hug, You know No you don't know. I've been stuck at concentrical Stopped at Columbus Circle, and The harsher the winter, The fonder of the west I am The girls scream in the audience, I hiss “My sentiments exactly” My sentiments exactly. Keep them all away from me, I'll love them at a distance I only want the music, anyway I only want the music And the music is All anyone knows about her, really Even her mother Who loves her, But at a distance And the music is, The only think she knows, anymore Even the words are just Color that accents it. Holy shit, the early 2000's were corny af Right now is corny af. Yeah, i guess. LOOK AT THESE CREDITS: Oh my God. LOOK AT EM. OKAY, ALRIGHT. YOU DON'T THINK EVERY ONE OF THESE MOTHERFUCKERS HAS A SCREENPLAY IN THEIR BACK POCKET. What's a “Foley editor” NOBODY. Well he's in the credits. Yeah, but do you think even his mother is going to sit this long after the movie is over to see that guys name because he was a–what the fuck “A foley editor” What IS that. I don't know, Mr. Hollywood. Oh, right, I'm Mr. Hollywood. Well, not literally– Of course not. Wait, is that a thing. If it was, would I be it? [Super Nerdy Writer] I mean, you'd at least be the poster child. Okay, my turn. HI THERE, FACE HERE. *inconsolable screaming* Holy shit, the 90's was RAW. Okay, so your childhood is terrifying. Just wait till we get to the *More inconsolable screaming* Lol. Look. What up bro. It's Juggalos. lol . After a few days of layering m usual favorite isocronic tones, it appeared that someone or something elsewhere was attempting to made contact–and though I could't isolate which frequency exactly it was coming from, it usually came in the form of music or some other source, rather what was usually hidden in between th concentrated tones themselves–however, the music always seemed far away, so far awa that it sounded as if it was being played through a tin can, merely connected to another–my own ears–with a string. Woah. Yeah. Do you think it's aliens Probably. Or like, I don't know–some other humans with like, a radio tower or satellite, some shit. I don't know. Right. Lol. maybe you're the alien. I ALREADY TOLD YOU. I DON'T KNOW WHERE IT IS. We know you know where it is. I DO NOT. You're hiding it. HIDE! THAT THING?! So you do know what it is OF COURSE I KNOW WHAT IT IS: And it's RIDICULOUS you think i would be hiding it. BRFORR Quick! HIde! OKay. THAT THING IS ENORMOUS. Hm. Smaller. OK. I n I T I A T I N G S H R INkING SEQUEnCE In 5 Seven Bananas… FUCK, MAN. What's this dumb game. *takes shot* it IS dumb. You have to take a shot every time she eats a banana. Oh no. This is fucked up. *barfs* You wanna play? Nah, I'm good. Diplo. What. You have 57 children. *nods* Never look at me again. *hangs head* Go that way, with your children. Dillon Francis. Yes. You have 8 kids. )That's believable) Oh, wow. *You have 84 kids. WHAT! He has more kids than me! Yes. Astonishingly, however the same percentage of them are black. Go say hello. Uhh. Now: Wait, where are you going. The the auditorium. There's an auditorium? For what. AN ENORMOUS AUDITORIUM is filled to capacity with children of all ages, shapes, and sizes, colors, creeds, genders, and otherwise–but they all seem to have something quirkily in common. What the fuck. How does he have more kids than me?! Are you serious?! Whose kids are THESE. Mind your business. Let me guess. There's still busses pulling up. I know. And a helicopter! Oh, that's just the guest of honor. Are you serious. SKRILLEX thinks he is preforming a charity benefit concert. *landing on helipad* LOL OhGod. MEANWHRILE. Whats in here. NOTHING. Just GET IN THE BOX. NO. GET– NO IN THE BOX WElcome to Jack In The Box Welcome to Hack In the Crack–what are you hacking? Uhhh. Gimme three juicy squirtalicious tacos. Eugh Extra squirt. Gross! And uh– You want anything. I'm good. Suit yourself. Best tacos ever. __ Wait, hold on. “Wait what” I think i might be getting tired, or something. Right…tired, “or something.” Or something. RIght. *blow horn* * * * * * * * Do you ever get lonely. No. Oh… But it's safe to say, all I can think about sometimes is getting railed. Oh! Moving on. Watch this. *snipes* Nice. Now check it out, that's where she respawns. (from behind) Not always. Oh shit. *stop*camping* DOUBLE KILL. Nice. Fuck I hate this map. Fuck I hate this map. Would you shut up. You wanna see a world class superstar fall out of alignment? …no. Too bad. You're hired. …hired for what. You applied on indeed, right? Yeah, as a janitor. NO. You're a paparazzi, dressed as a janitor. What! Here's your camera. (it is a cheap disposable) Are you serious. You get any good pictures, we'll talk about a nikon. Can't I just use my iPhone? Depends. Do you want your iPhone smashed? …no. Then NO. … “The Bad Boys Of Hollywood” Prepare To Be Canceled the gathering of this ingenuine group of elites causes a frenzy and stir amongst the masses as they appear, cross-dimensionally to have been reborn into stardom, mysteriously gaining controversy and mass fandom, to which no bounds can be seen as to the unstartlingly political incorrectness. I'm gonna need you to do me a favor. What's that? Shut up Don't ever look at me again. If i could take my eyes out, I would. No, need–I can do it for you. Haha, charade you are. You're a disaster. That's your excuse. Yeah, what's yours? Under the indifferential circumstances– “ooh–lala” I'm not as partial to making excuses as –as to what? Kissing ass? Only cute ones. Let it settle in, way down below deck Where the honor rollers are, The high rollers, far above you You wanna know how long the ride is? Wanna know how far you've come If i could throw you overboard, I'd trust you Love is not enough The seas are rough An open wound A bleeding heart How right you are The tea is strong, Like solid gold A needle's bond With no remorse, The tithes are gone Upright, Upright To end, to End That's right, I said Just end it I said “Better me than him” Another dinner with a friend A fear for framework, Or indifference again In this selection or Collection, Bears and end to End And End to end Upright And End to End Upright And End to end I dont know, if i want to know you I dont love like I want to love but I watched him raise the dead, Just so he had a friend I don't know if you've been told, but I don't love like I want to love, and I often raise the dead, Just so i can have a friend To play with It's darker in here, Oh, It's sufferable So I just want to know I live in a haunted house With a cat and a mouse But the old cat's gone, now the mouse tends to travel a lot I've nothing to haunt, (I'm a ghost in Toronto) A car show, A hollow heart, A starving artist, A scar; Over her bottom lip she runs her tongue So it goes: The stars on his face remind her of him So it goes: We all want Out of body Out of Mind Out of soul Out of body Out of mind Out of soul Out of body Out of mind Out of soul Why (Why-Why) Would you leave me to wake (Why) In a terrible world Without you in it (A M ercedes emblem to hang around my neck, It's very simple) I tried to settle on subtle saffron I tried to love you, Then I moved on Do you ever wonder about philosophy? Do you ever wonder if anyone's watching you Secretly? Do you ever dream of it? (I'm just a ghost in a mansion) I haven't even had breakfast I've practically been dead half a century I sold the whole eiffel tower on craigslist What a bargain! You started it! I'm not arguing. I lost that bet, you know. Clearly. Is it that obvious? How do you lose a bet to Dillon Francis? He lost the bet but won the race. Whatever that means Okay. Who the fuck wrote this. [No show of hands] Nobody?! Thats our GOD. That's your God. yes. I thought Beyonce was your God. That's what I just SAID. We must infiltrate. But how. That which binds up through time The chemical, physical and biological nature of love An exploration of the meaning of meaning 1st, Second, and Third Movement Nice, I finally get to use a didgeridoo And bagpipes! And my trumpet! That sounds more like a french horn Or a Jimmy Fallon and The Impenetrable Ten Well, not entirely Impenetrable *stabs with sword* KRISTEN SHAAL Woah. MAYA RUDOLPH (or whoever) Dang. TINA FEY (or whoever) (At least it wasn't me) Right. –all i'm sayin. Wait, who got stabbed? Whoever. Not Jimmy Fallon. No. His untimely death is later. How much later? I don't– __ Meanwhile Dillon, if you spend $20 on Magic, I'm going to kill you. Haha, If i spend $20 on magic,it's very likely someone else is going to kill me. So it's settled. $20 on Magic, please. Fair. Ooh. Is this getting close to the part where Yup. SHH. WHY ARE WE MOVING BACKWARDS THROUGH TIME. BECAUSE THAT'S THE ONLY WAY TO GO BACKWARDS. No, it isn't. What. I Came into blank street Tryna see a [?!] all coffee No cream please Scream supacree But really you can't see me Can't take it to deep on w sweetie keyboard Feed me b Seymour Ain't tryna be gory Corey Hate to inform you I I'm stuck at the rock I'm stuck at the bottom Youre stuck at the top Fine! fuckin fuck Drew Barrymore, then! Work harder and more often Fuck love and whole foods cause they All Flashback music London … …. …… ………. Who else has seen this. Nobody, just us. We must burn this at once. I wholeheartedly agree. [Remarkably huge bonfire.] Did u make copies. ya . Ooh, that's cool. Very creative. Wow Nice. … … …. Have you seen this? No. Look at it. …ilikeit. Sensations of sadness Salacious arpeggios Arduous agressions Transitions– progressive Incendiary imagery Electric Synthesis Intentionally focused, configurative –Literally Skrillex. Ugh, that might be the last thing I ever write about him. Just shoot the nigga. Ooh, he's so cute. Keep him away from me. C'mon. Yo–I can't. Fine, i'll do it. *sighs indifferently* You could move a mountain; I could stop the tide In a flash; All at once It was a long, long drive I miss the coast (Or maybe, I just miss the sunshine) You could move a mountain Keep me from going insane (If I was inside, you'd) Keep me from going outside (if I was in, though, you'd) Keep me from going in, Under the circumstances I can't stand it, but I'm back from having summer standing under subtle waters Waiting for someone who Never shows up, so So Suffer no longer I wouldn't want to want you, if i wondered more about it At the surface, Or way under Nothing wants what nothing gets And noting gets nothing Anyways, so Here's for the abstract Stream of conscious Nothing moves mountains, but You could move mountains In a flash, and I turned the tide on I saw the tidal With my ghost And twelve apostles I've been waiting for Godot For so long I still think He might come Haha, what a charade We all are Huh I love you What was that? I've run off Huh I love you What was that? I've run off I finally fell out of love Look, I broke my own heart Sharp as a tack Straight as a whip I bite my lip, Fall into bed Maybe it's a hex Maybe it's a breakfast in bed kind of moment I've been waking up with someone, But going in the world alone, eh It's never run to remember where you've been After a binder You would think with so much in my system I'd have reached indifference, Well, didn't you I didn't yet, In fact, I'm still tying one one, With a friend At the moment Well perhaps, just perhaps, It might be time that I let you go then? Don't be so chauvinistic. Isn't this a barmitvah? Hasn't this been discussed at several other functions To no exact conclusions More Complications I could just FUCK, I COULD LISTEN TO THIS SONG FOREVER. He says it's a pluck, But i see it's percussive If I could give less of a fuck Then I probably coudn't. Woah How many wishes I've granted This festival season How many shifts that I've written through Sitting on busses and subways Looking suspicious as ever and probably smelling atrocious. INT. BLINK FITNESS. …I'm not using that shower. I thought I'd be more employable After sorting some, But it seems as though The more there is The more there isn't And the deeper it gets –the number of spirits I've risen Since getting here Is steady rising It's no surprise I've got more friends that died Than have lived here. It's been a very long year But I fucked it off quickly I'll never listen to Skrillex again If you paid me, But i'll play it In my mixes Depending Fuck it, There my brain went Down the drain again I've been training over a year And i'm still not Kayla fit I'm sick of it I've been waiting for Godot Since the year that I wrote it I've been wearing these bracelets for years Still haven't seen frozen, So i can't let it go yet Oh shit. This is all a distraction The underground is massive Another Michaelangelo Anglo Saxon anonymous I want an erroneous daughter Or Androgynous, Whatever These prostitutes have Graduate degrees with honors All I ever was, Was a disappointment I got a smile like Madonna's But none of the love at all I got a back end like Beyonce's But just some of the talent “What's an ass for If i'm cellibate, anyhow?” I asked God, She said, “Eat A Taco” I just hope that's not a euphemism for lesbianism Not that i'm intolerant, it's just that The older I get The straighter I am, And dammit He's sharp as a tack Straight as a whip I write books, And mind my own business It's impossible to whitewash all of us But I love rock and roll Look: It's a S i T uATiO NA L C0MEDy. So?! SO, THIS IS THE SITUATION: I don't wanna do this. My heart's so broken I could hold it on chopsticks You ever wonder what love is I've forgotten I'm having a hard time holding it all in I'm an artist I've got colorful emotional troubles Others love it Lil biiiiiitttzzz Man, fuck new york. I was apartment hunting and I got off the train in midtown– Technically the upper west side, but, you know, Midtown So i get off the train and I get ready to cross the street: I'm like Oh, Awesome–Trader Joes; Maybe this is the right neighborhood So i gotta use the bathroom anyway, so I head towards trader joes And I see this like– Box of birds. No, not a cage. It was like–a bird box I'm like “what. Birds.” Not just birds, though, Colorful birds– Like, straight up parakeets. I'm like, “What. the fuck” Then, before I can even look up– This dude–I just see his leg, though, He just– kicks the box of birds. “what.” Like, towards me, and i'm like “Okay, alright.” Now i got a box of birds at my feet on this busy ass corner in midtown manhattan Adjacent to Trader Joes And I look up at the guy, who kicked the box of birds, And he has this bowl So I look at the guy, And I look at the bowl, And what's in the bowl. IT'S MORE BIRDS. “OH NO!' I say. Yes, I say this, out loud, in Midtown manhattan “Oh no!” Cause it's not just a bowl of birds It's a bowl of PIGEONS. Just kickin it, in this dudes bowl. I'm like “Oh no.” And then i cross into trader joes. “Yep, right neighborhood.” Alright, here's the plan. where did you come from. nowhere. someone shoot that lady. DILLON FRANCIS I'm your worst nightmare. Dillon Francis is everyone's worst nightmare: He's a good looking white dude with too much money. He's literally like 8 Billion People's worst nightmare. GET OUT OF HERE, COLONIZER. Oh, man. DILLON FRANCIS is trapped in the hood. Try being famous over here! Motherfucker! More on that later. Look, I don't even like you like that! That's okay—-but I still want to suck your cock and that's not gonna change. *hangs head* I'm am not ashamed. I just might watch porn in the morning. Come on, 6:30, roll the fuck around. Wait, Which one is the Brown eyed dillon francis. The one with brown eyes. He's the trustworthy one. Well good luck with that. (The one that doesn't exist.) I didn't take the train today; I thought I was going to jump Thought i'd better play it safe Filled up my shopping cart, Got everything I wanted Everything and more Might not look my best but At least I'm not gone Come on, six o clock I just want to be alone She's got the gift of gab Grew up two blocks from here In the ghetto I've heard it all before But love, my heart's so broken And you turn me on some I'm gonna smoke your seamen* out of a nektar collector. That shit is like crack to me. Oh no. Who is this about. I'll give you one guess. I don't have any guesses. It's five past Christ I just opened my eyelids And rolled back my mind I tried to find you, after all, didn't I I might have designed you (On second thought I did) I might need time (if I believed in it) can't apologize for being human, but I wear your eyes all over the world I wear the memories of many girls And many nights Suffer the consequences Sure, I've been subway surfing, wondering Wait, where was I again? I was almost, Almost a person There's so much to learn from And too much to learn here I've been fighting off demons, Fighting the feeling of Falling in love again But I can't fall in Cause I never fell out Afterward, I went past it And on to the next one I might double back though– To find that I hadn't quite left in the– To find that I hadn't quite left in the first place To find that we haven't quite met yet At least not the right way It's probably a lesson I might miss the lecture I've got other plans today Fuck, so it is Skrillex. Not really exactly. On second thought, at first glance Better illusion, than hypnotism But if I can't be like that Why be anything at all If not a model Or artist Brought it up at the wrong time (You would want her) I wasn't one for improper introductions Or impromptu arrangements There, there It's just getting better So better not whine about it I wake up in a pile full of rocks; I guess it's better than a puddle of blood, Cause nobody loves me I've been alone, not lonely And never alone as long as I like Cause they all just surround me Now I know what it's like to be famous Without all the money and glamour– Turns out, that's the part that alluring I'd better find out what I did this for In the next downpour I'll be soaked to my torso exactly Aren't you proud of me (not really) I learned to cope by narrowing down all my options As time rolled on I got worse at making up stories As it turns out I didn't have to make them up at all They were happening to me So truly and honestly All my job was to “Mark My Words” Said The God Quite astonishing literally But I got bored of running and still not looking like Kayla Lauren I wouldn't bring it up, except The photographic evidence was damaging At least Dillon Francis has no audacity as such Then again, —I've never even been on an album cover. There you have it I've been lusting over Several other Talented masters and Handsome disasters But matter of fact It just started with One random – Well, now that I think about it, if I haven't believed in coincidences Since this, Random is just as likely as foreign a concept As such Immaculate conception, This contraption At first glance, a sonogram Play it back, Caught in the act again Cause in the act again I'll probably make a list of Weird shit I want to do with him When I think of it in public (That's usually where it happens) And if anything is random –It's that. ILLUMINATI DREAMS: PART III Dillon Francis broke up with his girlfriend to be with me. That was cool. We were best friends and got along really well. Went hiking in a beautiful park with crystal clear water and gorgeous ruins— Fell in the water and got my phone wet but it was in an otter box. I felt guilty about his girlfriend a feared they would get back together— But he was over her and super loyal to me — It all started when I tried to crawl into a giant bed to give Sonny a blowjob: Sonny was sleeping alone and Dillon was sleeping with his girlfriend— Dillon decided he wanted the blowjob; I refused because I would not let him cheat on his girlfriend; So he broke it off with her— Sonny never woke up There was no blowjob but Dillon and I ended up together. Sonny disappeared like he never existed anyway. Dillon and I were happy together and never fought. We were very in love. It was just a dream but still good to see Dillon. It felt warm and good. Lmfao wtf is wrong with you SOMETHING, obviously. It made a difffetent sound from further away, and better yet, an actual sound up close—I had been enamored enough walking by to move towards the lights after I was sure that my laundry was as close to complete as possible, but — A clock stops me in my tracks A Starbucks cup not in the trash lies in the ground I love the sparkles On Rockaway boulevard, Making it harder to ponder The underworld, unnerved of the undeserving The servicemen and servers of the surface Boughroughs further than Manhattan At the center lil biiiiiitzzzzs — Bro, I love the cops in New York All the cops in the east are bar none top notch I'm not kidding I went to a show in Miami once and I was walking this really long walk between one part of the venue and another I will never forget this like, line of cops that were like along the path and every single one of them was model hot I'm not joking I'm almost wish I was because I couldn't help myself from looking That's not even the worst part! the worst part was, they were looking back at me! All of em! I was like: “what the fuck is going on with these cops?! “ V.O. I couldn't shake the feeling that I was going cry– So instead of running two miles on the treadmill I went three– But I still wanted to punch something. So I lifted some. I've been worried i'll plateau at the benchpress, the more I keep running… But I don't care. I'd rather weighless, and have a man, Than keep lifting like this, And be a man. Sometimes I'm worried I might be turning into one. Sometimes, depending on the way I dress, I'm mistaken for one– Or at least– Give off an air of general confusion. But I don't mind. Not that much. I'm no naturally designed to attract the kind of men I like. It might take a bit of maintenance, But i'm determined to persist I couldn't imagine what it would be like to have been born a beautiful woman. But maybe, if i'm lucky, or if I try hard enough, I'll have an idea of what it's like to have become one. I'm counting my blessings. All of them. I'm saying my prayers. A lot. And I'm crossing my fingers– that the longer, harder, and faster I run, The closer I get to actually living. That is, To be loved. I wish I could take my eyes out and wash them wit soap. Oh. I wish i didn't know you existed; I wish I Didn't know how to love you God, I spoke to soon I opened up all of the wrong doors, I'm done for, You know, I'm not really good at nothing Nothing at all I wish i didn't know at all You were ever born; But there you are, a son of God, And I'm just rolling along, writing anthems, and carrying on as if everything happened at once But it hasn't Not yet, I'm still breaking my neck on the alter If you want blood I've got it Jump the broom, But watch your heart I've got a dagger full of them; You'd think i had it backwards, But that's the hard part If it were the other way around Oh But it's not No I don't want to love anyone, anymore, God Take me off of this rock Throw me head first overboard Push me in front of a bus; Or give me a heart attack I've had it harder before, But that was over there, I'm omnipresent. I could write forever to this (Ten years ago) I put the book with the devil on front Into my row A collection of noveelties An erection, selective To say the least But please, forgive me I'm veen on my knees And barely breathing, Let it simmer, Simmer down please settle, way below the belt Above you and Beyond this, But I'll never firget what you said (i love you) I'll nevr forget what you said And I'll never look back, dad And I'll never go back ther And I'll neve have blue eyes And I'll never have blonde hair And I'll never have white skin And I'll never be better At least not at this partl But maybe the other I'm just friendless I like it My security blanket The party i wasnt invited to My lies are compulsive; But not quite pathological But the girl was obnoxious And my spirit tyrannical I'm an animal But I pray a lot And used to fast as much Now that Ive been determined to be an deplorable Why not just kill myself? I'd be better off after With a kitchen, a shower I'd forget about money; Getting paid by the hour. I'd be better off anyway I need a vacation It was all in my head, anyway Then again, so is heaven Amen A…men A…men… It's a dangerous game we play But i'd rather not kill myself over you (Again) I'd rather not kill myself again I'd rather not kill myself Could be a coincidence But I doubt it, Since I don't believe in them But I could be getting my lines crossed My rum mixed with vodka And getting my ass whooped more often That's not a metaphor: I'm not a fighter It was metaphysical before, But now its atrocious This night'll be a lot longer If i remain hungry But I wanna look like Madonna! (minus, of course, the minor difference between us) I hadn't understood what an age gap meant, Until jumping it (hardee har har, that's a good one) I'm not even in my body right now; But i'm in my head Shut up, Becky! Isn't it bad enough, Your society? Fuck, I'm losing my mind Just not being blonde enough Or just not being wanted, or something (Loved) Playing the victim, But hey, At least i'm playing something! All these instruments are just too expensive I was just thinking how Photosensitive epilepsy and synestesia Might be deadly But I said “till death do us part” So i think that's what I need I thought my suicide ended it Now I'm in hell with him But I'd end it over and over again Just to be rid of him (yes, i'm serious) Fuck, man, Madonna's gonna kill— ….Deadmau5. There's something you should know about this man. Oh, there's more? He's not who you think he is. Hardly anybody is. That's not what I meant. Please, don't elaborate. “deadmau5” , as the world knows it, is actually former CIA intelligence hacker ‘dakmouse a high-ranking government programmer and software engineer thought to be deceased or in hiding, when in fact, he is under deep cover, using his “deadmau5” persona and global fame to viel a series of top-secret Ah, whatever. You get it. *literally just gives up* It was better when it was fresh. Whatever. I almost forgot about this storyline. You mean theory? Uh. Oh, you thought deadmau5 was just deadmau5, huh. deadmau5 has always just been deadmau5. stop saying that. It's the truth. Nothing is the truth! Do you believe this man?! I mean–I believe he exists… Really?! –In my mind. Exactly! Why in your mind–would you build something like this? I'm still trying to assemble an answer that's less explicit than it is dictative. And while you're doing this, there's a whole world of producers getting their— Listen, Linda–I don't know what you've heard I've heard a lot. I said “listen” There's something you should know about this man. Oh, there's more? He's not who you think he is. Hardly anybody is. That's not what I meant. Please, don't elaborate. “deadmau5” , as the world knows it, is actually former CIA intelligence hacker ‘dakmouse a high-ranking government programmer and software engineer thought to be deceased or in hiding, when in fact, he is under deep cover, using his “deadmau5” persona and global fame to viel a series of top-secret Ah, whatever. You get it. *literally just gives up* It was better when it was fresh. Whatever. I almost forgot about this storyline. You mean theory? Uh. Oh, you thought deadmau5 was just deadmau5, huh. deadmau5 has always just been deadmau5. stop saying that. It's the truth. Nothing is the truth! Do you believe this man?! I mean–I believe he exists… Really?! –In my mind. Exactly! Why in your mind–would you build something like this? I'm still trying to assemble an answer that's less explicit than it is dictative. And while you're doing this, there's a whole world of producer getting their. Listen, Linda–I don't know what you've heard LINDA I've heard a lot. I said “listen” “Illuminati Dreams Part IV” Just really wanted Dillon to hear this song, but didn't want him to judge how bad it was, needed his opinion for some reason because nobody around me listens to dubstep. Lol Hanging out with Billie Ellish again and having to sign an NDA just for even being around her. She seemed nice though and it wasn't weird, but I was nervous for whatever reason, not really. Went to some libraries and museums, it was a good time. We're her. Here's to Standford: The ids with connections Collected inffference and sexual negligence Twisting into depression Alarming, but expected To exceeding expectation Degrading expressions Undressed just to get back to bed On with dinner, Which doubles as breakfast “Parallel Algorithms” BLŪ : @CODENAMEBLU is watching EAGLE EYE over an intensely large burrito. …graduated with a degree in parallel algorithms and quantum electronics. Wait. Pause. :||pause. ooh. He just said. (I n SyNEthETHICS) P A R A L L E L A L G O R I T H M S. … “Parallel Algorithms…” …deadmau5. This is not a coincidence. Could be a stretch. Haven't slept in awhile– God, I needed to eat. Finish writing this. It's really hard with a burrito in my hand. I just watched you inhale a giant brurito. Google, Define Parallel Algorithms. Tell me why all I see is math. Cause it's math. You're right. In computer science, a parallel algorithm, as opposed to a traditional serial algorithm, is an algorithm which can do multiple operations in a given time. It has been a tradition of computer science to describe serial algorithms in abstract machine models, often the one known as random-access machine. [The Festival Project ™ ] Random Access… I got it. [Random Access Memories] You're not wrong. Yeah, but I don't know what to do with being right. Finally. God damn. I cannot possibly have invented time travel— I told you. —I don't even believe in time!! We're making connections. I'm going braindead I'm going deaf. Well, that's tragic Look, I just need you to unlock this one , key component, okay? I don't understand. You do understand. No, I don't understand, why I understand. His music is math. Precise. My senesthesia has the tendency to cause problems beyond not only that of my own comprehension, but apparently the entir human specie's comprehension, of consciousness and in and of existence in itself. That's not possible. It is possible. Here's the science: Oh, so this is beyond– Beyond. Look, if I could tell you what deadmau5 looks like without giving myself an aneurysm PREVIOUSLY, AT DEADMAU5. Oh, time travel. You got it? I can only like, 9th grade math, dude. You got this. …I do not got this. You got this. I DO NOT, GOT THIS. MEANWHILE, IN MEXICO Wtf is that dude. What are examples of parallel algorithm. …deadmau5. Get off my dick. look . i didn't mean for it to turn out this way, but there's some pretty cool shit in here. I know . I put it there Please, someone tell me how i'm supposed to be studying a feild of science that is nonexistent. It is existent. Scientifically. It is–scientifically existent. As a course of study. —That's where you come in. What. That's where I what. And there it was; it was devastating, and horrible–the feeling of knowing I had indeed made a connection to something, and as to exactly what could be so horribly beyond me; It was like having a ghost as a friend–worse than imaginary— and as I had already been recently haunted by Aliocha, and his already somewhat- secondary existence, my deadmau5 security blanket was no longer so much a comfort as is was an obligation or nessecity, and— less of an obsession as to know anything more about the actual human than I already had–I simply couldn't be that kind of fan, (or at least thought ,anyway). The intimacy with the music itself had succumbed into a sufferable obession of sorts–more needing it and wanting it all the more just to focus, calm, or relax , even perhaps using it to coax myself out of body— even if just for the time being, to escape the current reality. Now, it wasn't so much of an escape as it was a step back, whereas within the confines of what I had so called ‘the deadmau5 construct', I could look from outside of myself with such depth that it became almost secondary to make the connections which were needed and unseen from a perspective of being so within myself that the without had been nearly forgotten; It was as if at will, I could travel to a parallel dimension above or beside my own to navigate and my very own ompipotence. ‘man ‘, I thought to myself, “i might never see you guys again' Perhaps I meant it just as a fan, but the world as it was seemed so much further away from deadmau5 or Joel, Sonny or Dillon than it had ever been–The Festival Project included, and rather than sinkinking into a deep depression over whether or not I was accomplished, I had now plummeted into over drive; 48-hour insomniatic work days which would run into the night, and then the next day–never ceasing for a moment or considering giving up what I had felt I had earned–the right to not give so much of a fuck about what society expected of me as anyone besides the person who would, eventually, see an end to this project; I had finally realized that, if I completed my project or at least organized it enough so that it was palatable, in the right hands, The Festival Project was pure gold, There was nothing like it in the world, and if I didn't find a way to make it come to fruition, it would die with, or even before I did. ‘Fuck, I'm so tired. ‘ For the first time in what seemed like forever, I was actually a little lonely—certainly sad, and very, very tired. It seemed that last two days had never even stopped, only run into eachother, an now was another on fast approach–soon, another orange east coast sunrise would glimmer of of the unattainably shiny facades of Manhattan; the unbeatable view from my 8th story , I had recently realized , would not be possible at all living in the city itself. The truth of the matter was, I lived no where–and until I fgured a way to sort my finances out without running myself into the ground, it felt most times like I wasn't living at all, of course–and the further and further I drifted from my original intentions–settling upon how absurd it would be to actually try to be a superstar DJ–the more the reality set in that the music itself was taking me further than I had ever seen, or had certainly dreamed, and though still just a msilly and obsessive fan girl of sorts–the shapes and colors that presented as such time and time again began to allude to something more important entirely–time itself–something it seemed the whole species couldn't seem to wrap itself around, however–I had been in and out of body through time and space for years now with my ghosts, superstar djs, lovers, and imaginary friends–and it seemed altogether the conscious and waking world was nothing but a displayed illusion of sorts , becoming less concrete with every waking moment–more alogorithmic with every glitch, and more untimely with every moment passing as so–as time began to run rampant and unravel ever so eloquently within the frequencies and functions of my cosmic security blanket; I knew that whatever it was, it had been intended for me in my own existence–for without it, I would not be so myself- I was the music. This needs editing. I'm too tired. Why is the font bigger? … … Enter The Multiverse} [The Festival Project.™] COPYRIGHT © THE FESTIVAL PROJECT 2023 | ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. © -Ū.

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