Our Search For Meaning | Rosh Hashana 5782

5781 has been a year filled with real and unique challenges for all of us.

Like all challenges; these ones are pregnant with opportunity.

On the eve of Rosh Hashana 5782, I’ve recorded this essay for you that outlines what I believe is the greatest opportunity for us all.

Writing it has given me a lot of clarity, direction and hope.

I hope that hearing it will do the same for you.


Wishing you and yours, and our entire blessed community, a shana tova umetuka,

a good and sweet new year and כתיבה וחתימה טובה,

Chief Rabbi Warren Goldstein

Om Podcasten

Insights, ideas and inspiration mined from the weekly Torah portion and the classic commentaries, and distilled by South African Chief Rabbi Dr. Warren Goldstein. Known as a “spiritual entrepreneur”, Rabbi Goldstein has launched and led a number of initiatives that have changed the face not only of his own community, but of world Jewry. In the Language of Tomorrow, he explores the Torah’s vision for creating a better society, and an inspired, meaningful life.