Ep 281: Whose Purpose Are You Living?

In this episode of the Transform Your Life podcast, I talk about the importance of living your own purpose in life rather than conforming to the expectations and ideals of others. I talk about how we can get stuck in careers, relationships, and situations that don't align with our true desires because we seek the approval of our parents, partners, and society. I ask you to explore whether you are truly living a purposeful, fulfilling life on your own terms or living your life for others.   As I ask the last question, I think back to the 1991 movie, The Dead Poet's Society, and I think about the movie character named Neil. He wanted to pursue acting and loved it, but his stern father wanted him to go to Harvard Medical School. Neil hated the idea of medical school and found it soul-crushing, but he agreed. You'll have to watch the movie for the story's conclusion, but it's not uncommon for people to deny their own hopes, wishes, wants, and dreams and instead live their lives to please their parents.   Often times cultural and familial pressures guide people down a path that doesn't fulfill them, and they live decades misaligned from their own purpose while trying to please others. So, it's important to ask whether you are living your own purpose or someone else's.   Another purpose-robbing action that people often get into is seeking validation from others. This is a surefire way to live an unfulfilled life. For example, a friend of mine was constantly motivated by a desire for his father's approval, and that led him down an obsessive path of constantly trying to prove himself. This behavior disconnects you from your higher self and obscures your true purpose. You can't create an authentic life while dependent on external validation.   I have found that the key to living your purpose is surrendering to your destiny and innate talents. This involves getting quiet, listening to your intuition, and taking aligned action. We must focus on the importance of being grateful and on contribution rather than achievement.   Here are four key points you may want to keep in mind:  Surrender to your innate talents and destiny. Listen to your intuition and take aligned action. Express gratitude and focus on contributing. Achievements will naturally follow purposeful contributions.   You must examine whether you are living someone else's purpose or your own. If you are not thrilled by how you spend your days, you are likely conforming to others' expectations. I challenge you to get creative, listen within, and take steps each day to live your own purpose.    Transformational takeaway: When you are living your purpose, you are contributing your talents to activities that light you up, and you will experience true joy and fulfillment. Your key is being brave enough to live life on your own terms. Just do it.    VISIT THE SHOW NOTES HERE FOR MORE: https://www.jimfortin.com/281   LIKED THE EPISODE? If you're the kind of person who likes to help others, then share this with your friends and family. If you have found value, they will too. Please leave a review on Apple Podcasts so we can reach more people.   Join the conversation inside the Jim Fortin Podcast Community Facebook group HERE.   OTHER RESOURCES YOU MAY ENJOY: My Instagram account Podcast Facebook Community Click here to send your questions   Thank you for listening!  With Gratitude, Jim Fortin

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The Jim Fortin Podcast is hosted by Jim Fortin- widely considered as the leader in subconscious transformation. He's coached super achievers all around the world for over 25 years and in this podcast you’re going to start learning how to transform your life from the inside out. No rah rah motivation, no hype because this podcast is a combination of brain science, transformational psychology and ancient wisdom all rolled into one to take your life to levels you’ve never thought possible. If you’re wanting a lot more in your life, to feel better, to heal, to have peace of mind, to feel powerful and alive and to bring more abundance and prosperity into your life then this podcast is for you because you’re going to start learning how master your mind and when you do that, anything you want then becomes for you possible for you.