IFB75: Listener Q&A on Weed Stocks, What to Do When Your Stock Crashes

The Investing for Beginners Podcast - Your Path to Financial Freedom - Ein Podcast von Andrew Sather and Dave Ahern


Welcome to Investing for Beginners podcast this is episode 75. Tonight Andrew and I are going to answer some listener questions. We got some great questions in the last few weeks and we wanted to take a few minutes to go ahead and answer those on the air for you guys. So Andrew why don’t you go ahead and start us off there big guy.
Andrew: all right sounds good. I’m going to start us off with wasn’t the question but it was a cool comment and it’s great to hear and hopefully some of you guys can relate to where she was where she is now give you some inspiration so this is from Shannon she says:
Hi Andrew, just wanted to say thank you so much for the podcast I was left feeling pretty powerless following my most recent meeting with my financial adviser who handles my retirement account. So I vowed to learn more about investments and that is when I came across your podcast I’ve learned so much and started my own account in addition to my retirement account and I’m having so much fun. I love that it is a constant and endless learning process I am surprised at how many of my female friends are in the same position I am and really know nothing about where their money is going. Anyways I just wanted to say thanks for giving me some power back over my money thanks Shannon
That’s really cool to hear and hopefully other people who might be struggling or feeling hopeless can find the inspiration to try to learn something and get yourself from feeling powerless to feeling excited.
 This next question here is from Jake he says
Hi I’ve been listening to your podcast for a few weeks and I’m about halfway through the episodes I’ve heard you talk about buying US companies only but I’m a little unclear if you mean US companies only our companies are they’re traded the US markets.
Gives a good example here he says I’ve been looking at ticker symbol SHI traded on the NYSE the company seems to be a great value based on most of the parameters I have checked but I’m a little hesitant given that it is a Chinese company.
My question is should I keep my scope to US companies only or companies other traded in the US markets any input would be great I really enjoy the content and I’m excited about getting into the market and building some wealth for the future take care Jake.
So when I talk about buying US stocks only I definitely am talking about those which are not in the situation as such I is so a lot of international stocks will trade on the New York Stock Exchange and that can be an option for you.
I personally only invest in US stocks and I’ve talked about that before you can definitely look that up in the archives. Taxes being a big reason and the other big reason is the SEC will not audit any of the financials for companies if they’re from a different country.
Even though they do trade on the NYSE they won’t report the same as US companies will and so those tend to be more stringent and restrictive and better chance that oversight that there’s going to be less errors for the financials. and then and so you’re hopefully getting more accurate picture so for example if you go on SEC.gov which is where you look up annual reports 10k is 10 Q’s quarterly reports.
You’ll see that SHI doesn’t have any 10 KS all they have are these 6 KS and 20 FS which I’m not too sure about those I don’t have any expertise in kind of investing with those.
The other big thing is when you have the reason why I’m so confident and it’s not just because I’m like extremely patriotic right. It’s also because of the fact that the US makes up the majority of the market cap of the world so the US stock market is very huge even though you hear stories about other stock markets and a lot of growth obviously in China and stuff but when you ...

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