IFB45: Back to the Basics Pt 3: Stocks vs Other Investments

The Investing for Beginners Podcast - Your Path to Financial Freedom - Ein Podcast von Andrew Sather and Dave Ahern


This is part 3 of the 5 episode “Back to the Basics” series from The Investing for Beginners Podcast. Each episode covers the fundamentals of the stock market and investing to provide a solid foundation for those who are looking to compound their wealth over time.
Here are the links to each of the episodes:
Back to the Basics Pt 1: The Anatomy of Stocks and Shares
–Defining what a stock is
–Talk about the big 3: the cash flow statement, balance sheet, and income statement
–Earnings manipulation
Back to the Basics Pt 2: Share Dilution on Wall Street
–What is a stock
–What are stock buybacks and how they affect us
–What are share dilutions
–What happens when we buy or sell a stock
Back to the Basics Pt 3: Stocks vs Other Investments
–Peer to peer lending
–Real Estate
–Gold and other precious metals
–Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies
Back to the Basics Pt 4: Investing 101 and Compound Interest
–The importance of buy and hold
–Compound interest and how it can make you wealthy
–Using a compound interest calculator
–The power of dollar cost averaging
Back to the Basics Pt 5: Dividend Stocks and Value Investing
–The advantages of buying low and selling high
–Dividends and the power of compounding

Welcome to Investing for Beginners podcasts this is episode 45. Andrew and I are going to continue our conversation about back to basics with stocks and tonight’s topic is going to stock versus other investment options.
So Andrew and I are going to talk a little bit about some crypto maybe a little gold maybe a little real estate we’ll just kind of give a brief overlay of those ideas and then talk about how those could be good or bad investments for you versus stocks so Andrew why don’t you go ahead and take it away, and we’ll just chat away.

* Peer to peer lending
* Real Estate
* Gold and other precious metals
* Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies
* Bonds

Andrew: Yeah, I feel like with every episode we do we keep saying we’re going back to the basics so now I want to take another step back and let’s go back to the basics again and let’s talk about even before we jump into stock let’s talk about investing in general. And so once you’ve made a decision that you want to invest money and put it to work making these dollars work for you to make more money and to be able to start this compounding that’s going to create hopefully massive wealth for you in the future. Create future income streams before we do all that you have to take a step back and understand that there’s a lot of different places that you can put your money.
A lot of different ways you can make it work for you, some of them are going to be good and some of them will do better than others. Certain time periods will be better for a certain type of individual and so on.
So it all depends, and it’s a subjective I think it’s a great place to start and you want to know what all the options are because if you’re going to jump into the finance world and it doesn’t matter if you’re going to become a complete DIY.
You know live and breathe the markets type of investor or if you’re going to be somebody who’s just going to be completely passive either of those approaches will work well.

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