IFB37: 5 Practical Peter Lynch Quotes for the Aspiring Beginner

The Investing for Beginners Podcast - Your Path to Financial Freedom - Ein Podcast von Andrew Sather and Dave Ahern


Welcome to Investing for Beginners podcast, this is episode 37. I’m Dave Ahern, and Andrew Sather is here as well. Tonight we’re going to talk about Peter Lynch quotes. This is one of Andrews’s absolute favorite investors.
He read his book quite a while ago called Beating the Street and One Up on Wall Street, and he loved them, and so we thought maybe we would chat a little bit about quotes that Peter Lynch has.

* Find businesses that sell to other businesses or B2B
* Know what you’re buying and why you’re buying it
* All the math you need to invest you learn in fourth grade
* Investment ideas can come from anywhere

And talked a little bit about his investing philosophy and his ideas and saw how they could help you with your investing. So without any further ado, I’m going to have Andrew go ahead and take us away.
Andrew: just as a disclaimer, I haven’t read One Up on Wall Street yet, that’s on my to-do list. Oh, guess I’m missing out right but Beating the Street was the first investing book I ever read.
It’s super easy to read like I just couldn’t put down the book and I mean I guess I could say the same thing about the Intelligent Investor.  But I’m aware that the Intelligent Investor is a lot harder to get through, it’s a lot drier but Beating the Street, he writes in very conversational tone.
It’s almost like a story following his journey in his career and for people don’t know Peter Lynch. He ran the Magellan fund from Fidelity, so super successful in those times he had beaten the SP500 for 11 of the 13 years he ran the fund.
He turned 18 million dollars in assets into more than 14 billion, so he did the whole Michael Jordan thing. if Michael Jordan would have stayed retired where he became the best and then just retired at that point. You know 13 years is such a small period as an investor, so he came out on top and just stopped there. I know I think he talks about just having more of a really easy life and how he didn’t want to be researching as much as he was to find this kind of deals.
One of the things he talks about one of the terms he uses is called a ten bagger. so that was his idea of basically when a stock you buy gets 10x of its value, he calls that ten baggers and he has different strategies in Beating the Street of how he tries to pursue these ten-baggers.
That was one of his unique takes that he contributed to the investing world, and obviously, the two books which you know Dave obviously recommends One Up on Wall Street, I highly recommend Beating the Street. These books have sold millions of copies, and he has had contributions there, and he’s also had some great quotes just talking about the stock market in general that we would like to share with you that you should keep in mind.
We’ve had quotes from Warren Buffett Seth Klarman, we did a Benjamin Graham episode, so put these in your back pocket. And if you’re taking notes may be put these quotes down in your notes, and you know we talked about checklists the other day with one of the episodes.
They had a great breakdown on different buy and sold checklists. I just actually got an email from a listener today who said that he’s working on his stock checklist and so he’s finding the resources we’re providing to be very helpful for that so hat tip to Dave and if that’s the kind of thing that you’re doing with your investing style. Have something that you can refer to over and over again and you know it’s it might not be easy to read a whole book like some of these legends has written and authored.

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