IFB34: The Truth about Analyst Reports Interview with Sasha Evdakov

The Investing for Beginners Podcast - Your Path to Financial Freedom - Ein Podcast von Andrew Sather and Dave Ahern



Welcome to Investing for Beginners podcast I’m Dave Ahern, and Andrew Sather is as well. Tonight we’re going to have a special guest with us.
What we are going to learn in this episode:

* The difference between fundamentals and technical analysis
* Having a great mental state of mind helps your investing.
* The motivation behind analysts recommendations
* How to make education part of your everyday routine

His name is Sasha, and we’re going to have a little conversation between all of us so without any further ado Sasha, wouldn’t you go ahead and tell the two or three people that are not familiar with you out there a little bit about you.
Sasha: Hey thanks for having me. A little bit about me as far as I guess my background goes that’s related when it comes to stock trading. I mean I got into stock trading when I was a young teenager, and a lot of that comes from taking the funds that I had when I used to do a lot of web development.
So my mom was into investing simply because she was a private healthcare nurse and all the older folks. What they did in Florida was watch their investors, watch what their investments and see how things were going.
And slowly she got interested in that and slowly I got interested in that and all the money that I made from the web development, graphic design field and marketing as well.
As time went forward, I went ahead and put those on investments, had a lot of losses at the beginning of course. One of the larger ones was around fifteen sixteen thousand dollars when I was still a teenager. And you know took me probably about seven-eight years to put the puzzle pieces together slowly after college there started to put things together and that’s when a lot of things fell into place and a lot more consistent at that point.
So I was always big into education, teaching martial arts as well early on in my years and because I loved education. Was a study not read a lot of books, video courses anything I could get my hands on. I decided to sell a bunch of my old businesses like my web design business photography business, a lot of the graphic design entities that I owned and went into just teaching investing.
Now doing full-time investing in teaching investing pretty much or business related things. So that’s the quick summary as far as my background in history. And now that’s kind of what I do is I just in my spare time I write books and create video courses and online videos.
Most of it 99% is free, and I’m watching my investments pretty much every single day. And as I look at the screen left, and right I’ll also dabble in write a little book. So that’s kind of what I do on a day to day basis.
Andrew: you’re very modest because you do have a large time on YouTube over at tradersfly.com. Can you talk just a little bit by the way you approach the markets? Is there I know there is a general strategy can you just maybe cover that on a like 101 basic level of how you look at the markets and where you see opportunity and how like what the action plan is to capitalize on that opportunity?
Sasha: okay the way I look at the markets is going to be more different than I think many other people look at it. And I say this because I’ve had a lot of coaching students that I’ve worked with especially at the beginning of the way that I see initially people get attracted to the markets.
The way that they see things in the way that I look at things a lot of people look we’re trained especially through a lot of the news media through a lot of articles. And even so many books to concentrate and focus a lot on fundamentals and focus a lot on the company’s focus.
What the companies do and that’s great from a larger perspective when you’re looking at a 5-10 year investment or hold period.

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