IFB30: Quotes of Wisdom from Baupost Group’s Seth Klarman

The Investing for Beginners Podcast - Your Path to Financial Freedom - Ein Podcast von Andrew Sather and Dave Ahern


Welcome to investing for Beginners podcast I’m David Ahern, and we have Andrew Sather here as well tonight. We’re going to do a review of an article that I came across from a blog that I read on a daily basis.
It’s called the Acquirers Multiple, and it is owned by a gentleman named Tobias Carlisle. He’s a very very amazing writer, and he’s written some great books. And he has this blog that he’s a member of that one of his authors that work for him writes some great articles.
The article that I came across I shared it with Andrew a couple of weeks ago, and we both liked it, and we thought this would be a great opportunity for us to talk a little bit about a gentleman named Seth Klarman.
We’ve talked about him a little bit in the past before, but this article that was written kind of outlines 13 tips on how to find bargains. Seth Klarman if you’re not familiar with him has written an amazing book on the margin of safety, and it’s unavailable more or less. You can buy an Amazon I believe for a cool thirteen hundred dollars a book if you wish.
Apparently, he did not release a lot of copies of the book and so it’s very very rare and hard to find I was fortunate enough to be able to find it. I read it through the professor of the local college had it, and the finance professor was kind enough to allow me to borrow it to read it. Andrew and I are going to kind of pick and choose through the tips that the gentleman shared in this article.
It’s a commentary from the collected wisdom of Seth Klarman, and it’s a compilation of quotes from the by Baupost Group founder Seth Klarman.
He writes an annual letter just as Warren Buffett does, but it’snot available to the public. It’s usually only available to his you know the people the insiders the people that invest in his fund.
What we will learn in today’s episode:

* How to find a Margin of Safety
* You need to do your research to find great companies
* Be patient and wait for your pitch
* Buy low and sell high, look for fear and greed in the market
* Don’t try to time the market, look for your value and buy with a margin of safety

So I’m going to read a couple of the quotes and talk a few minutes about them and then Andrew is going to do the same. I also will link to the article in the show notes for this episode so that you will be able to find this article and read through them as you wish and find some things that you might like.
The first one that I came across that I liked was
“great investments don’t just knock on a door and say buy me.”
That is so true, and they do not just stand up and say hey here by me I’m cheap I’m going to make you tons and tons of money. It takes work to find great investments; there’s a lot of due diligence that you have to put into to be able to find a great investment.
You know Andrew, and I talked a lot about you know buying with a margin of safety, and this is a huge proponent of Seth Klarman’s investment philosophy, and there is a lot of effort that takes to go to find these bargains or these gems if you will. They’re not things that are readily available or that just kind of leap out at you.
A lot of times you have to look under a lot of rocks to try to find you know the one that you like and I think that’s a great quote and that struck me when I read the article that was one of the first things that kind of jumped out at me.

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