IFB28: To Pay or Not to Pay, for Investment Services?

The Investing for Beginners Podcast - Your Path to Financial Freedom - Ein Podcast von Andrew Sather and Dave Ahern



Welcome to episode 28 of the Investing for Beginners podcast. In today’s show, we will discuss Andrew’s eLetter and whether or not you should pay for investment advice.
To pay or not to pay for investment services, is the title of our show tonight. Andrew recently had an email subscriber write him a note asking him questions about his service and how it would be of benefit to him.
The format tonight will be Andrew answering the questions on air, and we will have a short discussion about them.

* We are all consumers of online products
* When we find value, the price becomes less of an issue
* Sometimes it is great to have a mentor to help guide
* Value investing has been proven it’s the way to go
* Paying for financial services, when you receive value for it can be beneficial.

So, I am going to read the letter, and then Andrew will offer his responses.
Dave: The letter starts “At $29 a month, that’s just under $14,000 per subscriber for you, you and Dave discussed how much needs to happen to overcome a transaction fee with a stock purchase and focus a lot on percentages.
But you seem to have a reverse opinion on the subscription. If someone follows you for 40 years, at $150 a month with a goal of one million dollars, they will be $14,000 short after the subscription. That would equate to 2812 transactions.
What’s the plan to overcome that? I love your guy’s show but find my mind contemplating things like this. And I in no way intend to think that you shouldn’t charge for your services. After all, you’re a professional, but wouldn’t it be more prudent to charge a percentage of growth or somehow correlate it to the actual value earned?
It’s the biggest problem I have with anyone in this industry. They all want to help, but they want money up front and require blind faith.
All right Andrew, what are your thoughts on that?
Andrew: Yeah, I love the question, if one person is taking the time to write this out. You know at least ten people or more probably have this question in their mind. I think it is a great thing to ponder.
I recall back early into my investing journey, having a similar thought process. I still go through this thought process when I think about other investments in my life. When I talk about other investments, I am not talking about the stock market sense, but more in the other product and services that can better my life in many different ways.
First thing I want to say, I am going to hit a couple of points and go a little bit out of order, but they’re all kind of tie into together and lead into the big answer at the very end. I think some of this stuff needs to be addressed first, and kind of builds on itself afterward.
Firstly I am consumer just as much as a producer, I will say that right away. Even right now I pay for a premium podcast, I’ve paid for premium podcasts in the past on investing. I’ve paid for an investment newsletter, and entrepreneurial newsletter which was $99 a month, gave an ROI much greater than that.
I’ve been there and had to make that decision-making process, is this money I’ve worked and toiled for, is it worth giving to someone else, particularly on the internet. Who you’re not seeing it face to face, not able to swipe at the counter and trust that it is going to do great things for me.
This might not apply to everybody; I am sure there are people who have been scammed in the past. In my own experience, I’ve had a lot of great blessings come into my life from the different types of opportunities that I’ve seen online.
I’ve mentioned the investment newsletter, entrepreneurial newsletter, there is a great entrepreneur, his name is Pat Flynn, from the Visit the podcast's native language site