IFB142: Listener Questions: How to Start A Dividend Portfolio and Asset Allocation

The Investing for Beginners Podcast - Your Path to Financial Freedom - Ein Podcast von Andrew Sather and Dave Ahern


Announcer (00:00):

You’re tuned in to the Investing for Beginners podcast.
Finally, step by step premium investment guidance for beginners, led by Andrew
Sather and Dave Ahern. To decode industry jargon, silence crippling confusion
and help you overcome emotions by looking at the numbers. Your path to
financial freedom starts now.

Dave (00:36):

All right, folks, welcome to Investing for Beginners,
podcast 142 tonight. Andrew and I are going to answer some listener questions.
We got some fantastic ones recently, and we thought we would take a few moments
to answer those for you. So the first one is not a question, it’s an update.
Andrew and I have talked a little bit about Coronavirus. Wait, Andrew, and I
had some updates that he wanted to share with everybody. So I’m going to turn
it over to my friend Andrew, and he’s going to go ahead and take us away.

Andrew (01:06):

Okay? Sure. Yeah, I mean, I’m; obviously, it’s is
something that’s top of mind. We recorded at the time when the market was very
turbulent. And then the episode, we recorded it a week ago, the episode got
released today, which is March 5th. And you know, you’ll be listening to this a
week from now and the, you know, the carnage is not done yet. It kind of looked
like it would be for a couple of days.

Andrew (01:36):

Right. And then today was just downright awful. I don’t
know if you did you look at your portfolio today? Oh yeah. It’s red. It’s red.
Yeah. It’s like scary red. So I mean I felt like last week I was a bit somber
and attitude. I think this week I’m feeling a lot more optimistic about the
situation. But I don’t think wall street is quite there yet based on, you know,
I’m not any sort of coronavirus expert. I have little to no knowledge about
medical stuff. But from my understanding of things I’ve started to pick up, the
mortality rate of the virus was a lot worse. Like multiples worse in the Wu Han
area, which I believe is like the more rural part of China that possibly
doesn’t have as good of medical support system and, and things in place to help
people that do get sick.

Andrew (02:42):

So when you compare that with how it was in the rest of
China with the cities in China and things of that nature, from what I
understand that it was a lot worse than [inaudible]. So that’s kind of hopeful
for the rest of the world. But I think when you talk about the spread of it, I
think it seems like we’re still in the early innings, which I believe will have
economic consequences, but will it be as dire as people are fearing? And as
wall street is fearing,

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