Michele Wucker on You Are What You Risk

What’s the biggest risk you’ve ever taken?The answer to that question, will tell you a lot about your own Risk Fingerprint. That’s the term that my guest Michele Wucker used to describe our individual approaches to risk. Michele is the author of the Gray Rhino and she’s just published s brand new book called “You Are What You Risk”, which explores this topic.In our discussion, we explore the Gray Rhino and then move into talk about how our perspective on risk, defines who we are. As ever, Michele has some fascinating insights.The artwork Michele and I discuss on the episode is called Real Rhinos Wear Pink by Chicago artist Matt Coglianese who works by the name of The Pig Shark. You can see it 👉https://www.thepigshark.com/escape-artists-2-series/real-rhinos-wear-pinkTo find out more about Michele, visit her website 👉https://www.wucker.com/For more on You Are What You Risk 👉https://www.wucker.com/writing/you-are-what-you-risk/For more on The Gray Rhino 👉https://www.wucker.com/writing/the-gray-rhino/

Om Podcasten

People are often described as the largest asset in most organisations. They are also the biggest single cause of risk. This podcast explores the topic of 'human risk', or "the risk of people doing things they shouldn't or not doing things they should", and examines how behavioural science can help us mitigate it. It also looks at 'human reward', or "how to get the most out of people". When we manage human risk, we often stifle human reward. Equally, when we unleash human reward, we often inadvertently increase human risk.