111: Kinda Like Wallpaper (Strengths & Weaknesses + Family First)

On episode one hundred and eleven of Holy Ghost Notes, Matt and Tim joke about recording in the “Eleventh Hour” and elude to a comical video that they posted about it a while back. Matt talks about rehearsing for the Rescue and Restore anniversary tour in the old barn, which serves as a segue into their topics. They start by talking about the importance of focusing on both your drumming strengths and weaknesses, and how the only way to truly grow and improve as a drummer is to work on those weak points. Matt equates drumming to wallpaper removal, prompting Tim to assuage his guilty conscience. Next, the gents talk about putting family first and what that means to each of them. They land on the provoking idea of truly being present and getting rid of the distractions.

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Holy Ghost Notes is a podcast that focuses on real talk about Christianity and Drums hosted by Matt Greiner and Tim Anderson.