108: Stalkerish (Watching Drummers + FOMO)

On episode one hundred and eight or Holy Ghost Notes, Matt is only days away from having a new baby girl as Tim wraps up “back to school week” and shares some exciting news. The guys talk about using earplugs for sleeping and talk a little about the IEM company, Ultimate Ears, and their experience with both the products and the company. After a longer than average intro, they head into their drum topic; touching on the importance of spending time watching (or observing) how other drummers play and how it can benefit your own drumming in many ways. Matt talks about staying home from August Burns Red’s Australian tour which inspires the topic of FOMO (Fear of Missing Out). Through many a divergence from the root topic, in typical fashion, they uncover many parallels that round out the discussion.

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Holy Ghost Notes is a podcast that focuses on real talk about Christianity and Drums hosted by Matt Greiner and Tim Anderson.