Podcast Ep89: The Most Important Question

There has been ONE question that has served me my entire professional life. This question is so powerful it will guarantee your business in continually growing, it will insure your salon is continually evolving and it will keep you miles ahead of your competition. This question is something Nicole and I have been asking ourselves A LOT recently and it had led us to the next level of our coaching business and the people we need involved! If you are a true entrepreneur this question should stir extreme  excitement! It's time to ask yourself this question! Take a listen.... Oh! As always, if you have any challenges in your business and you would like to talk about it or have me cover it in one of the HPS Podcast Episodes, just shoot me a DM and I'd be happy to help you. Have a blessed day,   David. Connect with the High Performance Stylist Website: www.joinhps.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/highperformancestylistcoaching      @highperfromancestylistcoaching Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/highperformancestylist/ @highperformancestylist Email address: mailto:[email protected]  

Om Podcasten

If you are a hair salon owner and/or stylist, looking to make more money from your business or career then this podcast will give you the answers. Each episode host David Barnett will be giving you the insights and strategies that not only gave his own business massive revenue and profits, but has now allowed salon owners and stylists all over the world to turn their salons and careers into highly lucrative machines! It's time you started making SERIOUS MONEY in hairdressing!