Best Practices From Marketing Expert Vivienne Johns!

The show must go on! Although our salons are closed, the marketing machine must continue. We still need to connect with our guests during these challenging times. So I thought I'd invite onto the show the person that I trust more than anyone else when it comes to marketing, Vivienne Johns, fellow HPS Coach and owner of the highly acclaimed, award winning salon Hunter & Walsh. Vivienne is going to tell us exactly why its important to still be marketing and the kind of posts we need to be focusing on right now! If you've been struggling with the direction of your marketing during the "shut-down" then this is the episode for you. Take a listen..... David.

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If you are a hair salon owner and/or stylist, looking to make more money from your business or career then this podcast will give you the answers. Each episode host David Barnett will be giving you the insights and strategies that not only gave his own business massive revenue and profits, but has now allowed salon owners and stylists all over the world to turn their salons and careers into highly lucrative machines! It's time you started making SERIOUS MONEY in hairdressing!