409. Live from Edinburgh with Catherine Bohart, Helen Bauer and Vanessa Kisuule
The Guilty Feminist - Ein Podcast von Deborah Frances-White - Montags

409. Live from Edinburgh with Catherine Bohart, Helen Bauer and Vanessa Kisuule The Guilty Feminist 409. Female FriendshipsPresented by Deborah Frances-White with Catherine Bohart and special guests Helen Bauer and Vanessa KisuuleRecorded 12 August 2024 at the Gilded Balloon, Edinburgh. Released 9 SeptemberThe Guilty Feminist theme composed by Mark Hodge. More about Deborah Frances-Whitehttps://deborahfrances-white.comhttps://twitter.com/DeborahFWhttps://www.virago.co.uk/the-guilty-feminist-bookMore about Catherine Boharthttps://www.instagram.com/catherineboharthttps://www.catherinebohart.comMore about Helen Bauerhttps://twitter.com/HelenBaBauerhttps://helenbauer.co.ukMore about Vanessa Kisuulehttps://twitter.com/Vanessa_Kisuulehttps://www.vanessakisuule.comFor more information about this and other episodes…visit https://www.guiltyfeminist.comtweet us https://www.twitter.com/guiltfempodlike our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/guiltyfeministcheck out our Instagram https://www.instagram.com/theguiltyfeministor join our mailing list http://www.eepurl.com/bRfSPTOur new podcasts are out nowMedia Storm https://podfollow.com/media-stormAbsolute Power https://podfollow.com/john-bercows-absolute-powerCome to a live recording:Kings Place: https://www.kingsplace.co.uk/?s=guilty+feministThank you to our amazing Patreon supporters.To support the podcast yourself, go to https://www.patreon.com/guiltyfeminist You can also get an ad-free version of the podcast via Apple Podcasts or Acast+ https://plus.acast.com/s/guiltyfeminist. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.