How to navigate a crisis in your private practice

What happens when you hit a crisis in your business? Well, I've just experienced this personally and today I want to share what I've learned.We are going to look at this from the perspective of both having a client in crisis and you having a personal situation. And there's a trigger warning as I’ll talk briefly about bereavement today. Before I start, I want to let you know I’m not coming at this subject from the point of view of a supervisor offering advice, more from the human perspective.______________If you’ve been thinking about joining the membership but didn't know about the price increase so missed out, I have some good news for you…I'm delaying the price increase for the membership.Join before 8pm UK time on 31st January 2023, you can join at the previous low monthly fee of £35. The price will increase again on 1st February to £45 a month - which still represents great value, but if you want to grow your practice this year, it makes sense to join now. And you can save even more by taking an annual membership as you will get 2 months free. So why join the membership? Because you will get focus, direction and support. I will help you cut through the noise so you can focus on the things that will really make a difference so you attract more clients more easily.The membership will reduce the confusion and overwhelm so you can take the steps needed to move your practice forward.So if you want to grow your practice but are unsure what exactly to do, come and join us. And remember, if you join and realise it’s not right for you within 14 days, just let me know and I will refund you, no problem. So theres no risk. Check it out and join at Grow Your Private Practice

Om Podcasten

I’m Jane and I’m an ex therapist that now works with other counsellors to grow their private practice, hence the name of the show. I’m the author of the Grow Your Private Practice book and also run the Grow Your Private Practice membership, where counsellors can get together and learn all about marketing Okay, that’s the official stuffy 'about me' bit out of the way, because honestly, it’s so much more than that. The truth is, the thing that really drives me, is helping people - people like you - to get more freedom and choice into your life so can work when you want to, how you want to and with the issues that you’re passionate about. And importantly, to get paid properly to do so. Because you have the freedom and choice to run a thriving practice whilst also creating a fulfilling life for both yourself and your family. If you want that too, please click subscribe. I hope you enjoy listening.