How I've Simplified My Business (And How You Can Too)

In last week's episode, I talked about why my word of the year for the Grow Your Private Practice membership is EASE If you haven't had a chance to listen, basically, I invited you to explore how you can enjoy your marketing, and make the process easier for you. But I realised there's something in my own business that goes against this, so I’ve decided to make a change. So what changes have I made and why?And how can you simplify your own businesses too?LinksThe membership Grow Your Private PracticePodcast episodes mentioned:Episode 58 'Directories, the good, the bad and the ugly'Episode 5 '6 steps to turning an enquiry into a booking'Episode 22 'Demystifying the fear of success and 7 ways to stop getting in your own way'Episode 112 'Why your mindset is vital if you want a successful practice'Episode 116 'What content can therapists create to attract more clients,' with the authors of Content Fortress Martin and Lyndsay Episode 89 '6 reasons why you MUST have a website', with Sarah Gershone Episode 42 'Why your private practice shouldn't be on every social media platform' My editor Phil, from My Podcast Assistant

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I’m Jane and I’m an ex therapist that now works with other counsellors to grow their private practice, hence the name of the show. I’m the author of the Grow Your Private Practice book and also run the Grow Your Private Practice membership, where counsellors can get together and learn all about marketing Okay, that’s the official stuffy 'about me' bit out of the way, because honestly, it’s so much more than that. The truth is, the thing that really drives me, is helping people - people like you - to get more freedom and choice into your life so can work when you want to, how you want to and with the issues that you’re passionate about. And importantly, to get paid properly to do so. Because you have the freedom and choice to run a thriving practice whilst also creating a fulfilling life for both yourself and your family. If you want that too, please click subscribe. I hope you enjoy listening.