042: The Uplifting Powers of Craft Cannabis with Christina DiPaci

If you bought cannabis products in the mid-2010s, you probably remember just how profoundly bro-y all of the emerging brands were–design was lowbrow and often covered in naked girls and aggressive guys. This is why when Christina DiPaci launched her brand, she did things differently. She’s the founder and CEO of Paradiso Gardens–one of California’s largest, independent, and women-owned craft cannabis farms. With over 10 years of experience in the industry, Christina brings a wealth of knowledge in compliance and finance, as well as the art of strain selection, package design, and brand development. Today, Christina joins the podcast to talk about her journey into the cannabis industry, how she created a brand that celebrates vacations and fun, and why she thinks we won’t be sending cannabis via FedEx for at least another 30 years. Before we get into the interview with Christina, Jeff and I dig into an article titled “The Top Seven Cannabis Industry Marketing Challenges” and share our thoughts on some of the top challenges, namely the issues with advertising and marketing restrictions on social media platforms like Instagram and Facebook. Enjoy! KEY TAKEAWAYS How Christina created a brand that clearly differentiates itself–and why her packaging and branding is so colorful without being “stoner-ish.” What Paradiso Gardens is doing to make their operations as sustainable as possible. The importance of having non-cannabis merchandise to help build a cannabis brand. The one thing Christina legally can’t do now that she wishes she could. How Christina learned to grow her own plants. Show Notes For complete show notes, including transcripts, takeaways, and links to all the resources mentioned, visit SoHoExp.com/42 To learn more about the podcast and get access to all episodes, visit: SoHoExp.com/GreenRepeal

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Today’s Cannabis marketers are facing the same challenges faced by the alcohol industry in 1933 when prohibition was reversed — how do you successfully market a product and navigate an industry that is on the verge of becoming legalized on a federal level? Join alcohol beverage marketing experts and founders of SoHo Experiential, Rick Kiley and Jeff Boedges, as they interview economists, historians, entrepreneurs, legal experts, and more! Listen in as they track the path to a “Green Repeal”, through the lens of alcohol beverage professionals familiar with the trials and tribulations of marketing a “sin-dustry.” Through the podcast, listeners will get an excellent understanding of the Cannabis industry, how it will be governed, and how to successfully navigate the challenges of marketing a successful product in a heavily restricted industry.