#180.5 Interview Maureen McDonnell of mamm.org

Maureen McDonnell, RN, founder of Millions Against Medical Mandates and I discuss Pfizer's recent application (and surprising withdrawal) for EUA of their injection for babies 6 months to 5 years. If you have been concerned with the spiking accounts of side effects of the injection, DROP EVERYTHING and listen in! Wherever you stand on this issue (even if you're not sure), as parents we have the right to do our due diligence and make the choices that are best for our own families, without coercion, without shaming. Unfortunately, much of the information out there is one-sided, so this episode is meant to balance that so you can make an INFORMED decision regarding your own family. As you know, I am allllll about sovereignty and raising children naturally. That’s what pottying our babies from birth is truly rooted in! So although this episode is “different,” Maureen and I make lots of references to this style of parenting throughout the interview. Hope you enjoy this fresh, well-researched perspective! PLEASE NOTE: If this topic is sensitive for you, I highly recommend listening in full or skipping this episode altogether. I strongly believe this decision is each person's to make, for themselves and their children, and I have no judgment for your choice in the end. My goal is to decrease division, actually. Right now we really need each other, so if you have done your due diligence and we end up disagreeing, no worries, no judgment. I just feel this is a very important and timely, almost urgent, topic, and I hope you enjoy the information. Get full show notes and add your comments or questions here: https://godiaperfree.com/180.5 Get my free easy start guide for EC https://godiaperfree.com/start Start EC with your baby today with Andrea's popular book, Go Diaper Free: https://godiaperfree.com/thebook   Get full show notes and add your comments or questions here: https://godiaperfree.com/180.5 Get my free easy start guide for EC https://godiaperfree.com/start Start EC with your baby today with Andrea's popular book, Go Diaper Free: https://godiaperfree.com/thebook  

Om Podcasten

Andrea Olson of Go Diaper Free explains elimination communication - the concept of pottying your baby, as early as birth - which is what people have done for all of human history and in today’s world where there are no diapers. She makes it easy to integrate EC into your modern lifestyle as a new parent, demystifies how to know your baby needs to go, how to take them to the toilet instead of primarily relying on the diaper, and makes EC approachable, accessible, and fun, for all parents...whether part-time, with or without diapers, and in any region of the world. Contrary to popular marketing messages, diapers are tools, not toilets, and babies are ALL born “ready” to use the toilet. Learn how to connect with your baby on this very natural level with Andrea’s expert guidance, and experience the freedom of a life without dependence upon diapers, a life without traumatic toilet training, a life where your baby gets a head start on developing motor skills, communication, and learning by prioritizing this age-appropriate skill (0-18 months). EC honors your baby’s dignity and makes parenting THAT much easier! Stop changing blowouts...and learn how to listen to your baby’s requests for good hygiene. Learn more at godiaperfree.com. (PS - Andrea also occasionally covers potty training, for those of you who find us after 18 months.)