From Audio to Video: The Future Assistant Podcast goes YouTube

126: From Audio to Video - we proudly present our new YouTube Channel, where you can also follow The Future Assistant Podcast and watch us. Many of you asked for it, and here we are. Enjoy the videos and let us know how you like it. Thanks and cheers from Diana and the team Episode on YouTube:

Om Podcasten

Diana Brandl has always been passionate about the profession of executive support professionals. After almost 20 years of professional experience as a c- suite executive assistant at well-known international companies, she now accompanies teams as a trainer, consultant and coach and makes them "fit for the future". The future assistant plays a major role in this, as topics such as new work, digitalisation and artificial intelligence are essential for the future. And this is exactly what Diana talks about in this podcast and invites various German and English speaking experts to join her. If you have any questions or suggestions, you can reach Diana at [email protected].