S1E531 - "That's So New York" Plus Strategies for Travel Complaints

Episode Notes Dan Saltzstein, editor for the New York Times, and author of the new book "That's So New York: Short (and Very Short) Stories about the Greatest City on Earth" was our first guest. Then Frommers.com columnist William McGee broke down the best ways to effectively complain when things go wrong on flights, cruises, hotel bookings, and car rentals.

Om Podcasten

Since the 1957 publication of Arthur Frommer's seminal Europe on $5 a Day, the Frommer guidebooks have been America's most trusted travel source. This podcast, hosted by Arthur's daughter, and business partner, Pauline Frommer, gives listeners the low down on what's happening in the world of travel today. Expect guest appearances by some of the biggest names in travel today, including Arthur Frommer, Jason Cochran, travel journalists from the New York Times, the Washington Post, and other publications.