Episode 126:  Holiday Spectacular!🎄🌟❄️🎉🎊

Episode 126:  Holiday Spectacular!🎄🌟❄️🎉🎊In this episode, Robyn and Ben share some holiday magic. It is a wonderful time of year and we want to share the joy.  Check out all the highlights  below: CFO Caroling Squad Ben's childhood sharing funnies Ben hates no-repping people Gym Holiday Wish List Rosie the Jetson's robot for the gym Get the movement of your dreams magic  Missing clients from long ago  John McClane as a Crossfitter Why you would want to workout with the Grinch Clark Griswold might be an interesting gymgoer Your favorite holiday characters in the gym Hopefully, this podcast gets you in the spirit of the season and brings a smile to your face. If you want to share your holiday memories and characters, then reach out to your favorite coaches and share.Have a listen, and as always give us some feedback and ask us questions!

Om Podcasten

The world's "Fittest" podcast in Oakland looks to serve and communicate to the amazing community of Oakland and beyond.