Recognizing Your ADHD & Smashing Stereotypes w/h the Multi-talented Lisa Betts-LaCroix

The Faster Than Normal Podcast: ADD | ADHD | Health - Ein Podcast von Peter Shankman


Lisa Betts-LaCroix is a podcaster, speaker, actor and dancer. As host of the Super Power U Podcast she does long-form interviews revealing the mental models and tactical skills needed to be your very own superhero. She's been featured in over one hundred films, television episodes and movies-of-the-week. Lisa is a dance performer and speaker who inspires audiences to embrace vitality, passion and reclaim empowered living in later life. In spite of taking up dance at age 50 she has also recently become a World Champion Pro-Am American Rhythm Ballroom dancer. We talk about all about her story here today. Enjoy!   In this episode Peter and Lisa discuss: 1:25-  Intro and Welcome Lisa! 2:00-  You have an amazing bio- tell us your story and a bit of your history. 3:15-  When were diagnosed? Were you diagnosed? 5:30-  On recognizing your own brain. 6:25-  You talked about people saying “Me also” when you began to share with friends. Do you think there is some sort of magnetic pull between those of us who have ADD/ADHD? 8:05-  How do you handle the things you have to do, that you really dislike doing? 9:22-  What do you do nowadays with that emotion, or passion? 9:40-  On outsourcing  10:57-  Tell us about your Podcast, “Super Power U”  ref: FasterThanNormal, Tim Ferris, Pat Flynn, Michael Gervais 13:10-  So what was it like working with Kathy Bates!?!  ref:  The Late Shift, Fargo TV series 14:42-  How does one become a World Champion Ballroom Dancer.. like yourself? 16:48-  Do you find that dancing gives you the same serotonin & dopamine high that runners often talk about? 18:53-  How can people find you Lisa?  Super Power U Podcast, Facebook: @SPUPodcast Twitter:  @LisaBL. INSTA:  @LisaBL 19:30-  Thank you Lisa and thank YOU for listening!  Would you please leave us a review? Yes, you, dear reader. I know I say it all of the time and I’ll ask once again below- but when you leave YOUR review, it really does help OTHERS to find us here! As always, you can always reach me at [email protected] or @petershankman on all of the socials. Also at @FasterThanNormal on all of the socials.  20:00-  Faster Than Normal Podcast info & credits As always, leave us a comment below and PLEASE drop us a review on iTunes and of course, subscribe to the podcast if you haven’t already! The more reviews we get, the more people we can reach. Help us to show the world that ADHD is a gift, not a curse! Know of anyone you think should be on the FTN podcast? Shoot us a note, we’d love to hear!