Portuguese Language Special with Emma on Good Morning Portugal! with Emma
The Good Morning Portugal! podcast with Carl Munson - Ein Podcast von Carl Munson

Olá Bom Dia ALEGRIA! Munson here with the Good Morning Portugal! show, livestream & podcast... We start the show with the all-new 'Bom Dia Daily' - 20 minutes of news, weather, language, culture & wellbeing in Portugal, by way of an introduction today to...Emma of Portuguese Language Lessons, introduced to us by GuMPer Pam, who will also be joining us with her perspective as a highly competent expat Portuguese speaker."I believe everyone can learn languages, we are hard wired for communication and most people in the world are bi, or tri, etc, lingual," says Emma."Those coming from monolingual cultures do have a hard time acquiring the first second language, mostly because of the strangeness of the process and sense of loss of identity when trying to communicate in another language, where we don't have linguistic tools to be ourselves. So there's a whole lot of getting our heads around that.""My approach," she says, "is to facilitate the process by making objectives clear and using varied teaching methods and resources to ensure we stay engaged and motivated. A can-do approach, keeping it light and fun, but at the same time getting some core work done, aiming to build confidence and competence :)".QUESTIONS & comments in the chat, pics & vids to WhatsApp (00 351) 913 590 303Get more at www.goodmorningportugal.com / Support the show and join the Portugal Club at www.gmpvip.com Want to create live shows like mine? Try https://streamyard.com/pal/d/4668289695875072Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/the-good-morning-portugal-podcast-with-carl-munson--2903992/support.