Economic Development is Not For Amateurs with Jay Garner
THE EcDev Network - Ein Podcast von Dan Taylor

THE EcDev Network by economic professionals for professionals and businesses in local economies are discussing Strategic Planning in Economic Development. Note: For some Reason Dan's audio failed...just skip to the next speaker the content is amazing. Dan Taylor, Bob Minhas and Lara Fritts, host a twice weekly clubhouse call focused on Economic Development. The call is for those interested in Community and Economic Development. This includes elected officials, economic development & tourism professionals, businesses and community members. Each week Bob, Dan and Lara feature a different theme. Give it a listen, there are some great discussions on Economic Development is Not For Amateurs with Jay Garner. Some tidbits from today's convo - thanks Ryan Hamadeh fro the notes: 1. No Product, No Project: You cannot sell from an empty wagon; so make sure your community has identifiable assets to attract business investment. 2. Leadership & Courage are the two key component portrayed by successful economic developers. 3. EcDev success is also characterized by successful private + public partnerships --> economic developers have a responsibility to educate policy makers and elected officials. 4. Labor force readiness & technical schools are two component of EcDev that have taken on a substantial level of importance in the along the years. 5. Community college and technical schools have an upper hand to traditional research institutions because their curriculum adapts quicker to industry needs. 6. EcDev & Site Selection is a relationships business; technology (virtual site visits) have served to shorten in-person visit times. 7. USMCA has leveled the playing field but key considerations regarding manufacturing costs still exists. Countries should focus on their strengths and bring forward a value prop. on target markets. 8. Near shoring or reshoring is not obvious. Cost considerations still carry a heavy weight. If companies decide to repatriate supply chains to North America, they will probably move to Mexico. 9. Talent is the new currency --> build you talent pipeline; apprenticeship programs (German model) is effective. Community college's occupational training programs are also very effective. 10. Follow the cluster: Companies are clustering around government national security facilities, ex. Microsoft in Atlanta. These are raw, uncut and unedited recordings. Think of them as unplugged. These podcasts are not about production values, but about the content of the conversations. We hope you enjoy. Dan Taylor is an Economic Development and Tourism Professional and a strategic advisor and guide to those in those in the profession to take their work to the next level and create maximum impact for their communities and businesses. He specializes in rural, small and medim sized towns, counties & regions in North America and across the globe. Reach out to expereince Dan's services and value. You'll leave with 5 great ideas and resources from which to take your work to the next level, gives us both a chance to see if there is a fit. email: [email protected] Linked In: Linked In Page: Clubhouse: Instagram: @Cre8tiveDanT Twitter @Cre8tiveDanT