188. How to practice fear free dermatology

Chronic skin disease can cause a lot of discomfort for dogs and cats. In turn, this can cause veterinary visits for not only the pet, but the owner to be intimidating. Implementing fear free techniques can allow veterinarians to work with the patient and a client to make the experience less stressful. In a specialty that often includes lifelong, frequent rechecks, it will change the way you practice. Check out this week's episode of The Derm Vet podcast to learn how you can implement fear free techniques from scheduling the appointment all the way to the derm exam itself!

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Tune in to make veterinary dermatology more fun than frustrating! This podcast features Dr. Ashley Bourgeois, DVM, Dip ACVD sharing practical tips on dermatologic workups you can bring to clinical practice right away. Also, stories about navigating the messy (yet beautiful) journey of being a vet mom while building a career you love.