#26 The state Of Our Oceans & Pragmatic Activism With Captain Paul Watson

The Decade Podcast - Ein Podcast von The Decade - Mittwochs

In the 26th episode of The Decade Podcast we had the privilege of talking to one of the co-founders of Greenpeace, Captain Paul Watson. In 1977, he left Greenpeace and founded the SeaShepherd Conservation Society. He's a renowned speaker, accomplished author, master mariner, and lifelong environmentalist. Captain Watson has been awarded many honors for his dedication to the oceans and to the planet. He received the Genesis Award for Lifetime Achievement in 1998, was named as one of the Top 20 Environmental Heroes of the 20th Century by Time Magazine in 2000 and was inducted into the U.S. Animal Rights Hall of Fame in Washington D.C. in 2002. He was also awarded the Amazon Peace Prize by the president of Ecuador in 2007. In 2012, Captain Watson became only the second person after Captain Jacques Cousteau to be awarded the Jules Verne Award, dedicated to environmentalists and adventurers.  Amongst other things we talked about the state of our oceans and the severe impact we humans have on our precious ecosystem, why it is important to take real action towards the change you want to see in the world the recent documentary Seaspiracy, what impact it made, and what we can learn from it and what Paul think is needed from humans and our current system to let our oceans recover and thrive again. It was such a powerful conversation to have leaving us both inspired to continue our journey of making positive impact on this world.  https://seashepherd.org/

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