Standing Out in a Hiring Process

Curiosity Chronicle - Ein Podcast von Sahil Bloom


Special Announcement: The BloomboardI’m excited to announce the launch of my job board - The Bloomboard - where I will curate and share unique, exciting roles in finance and technology every single week.The goal? To foster open access to jobs for candidates and spread awareness of amazing, high-growth companies and roles.The board will be curated by me personally, meaning it will only include companies and roles I would recommend (i.e. roles I would be excited to take if I were qualified!).We have some incredible companies and roles up for the launch, including:Synthesis - EdTech for nurturing innovators - VP of Growth & Head of PeopleFaves - curation-focused social app - Head of Partnerships & Growth PMMetafy - 1x1 e-sports coaching platform - Senior Product DesignerVivian Health - healthcare job placement platform - Product ManagerFundrise - real estate investment platform - Director of Product, GrowthM1 Finance - personal investment super app - Lifecycle Marketing ManagerCapchase - non-dilutive funding platform - Capital Markets AnalystPesto Tech - remote developer matching platform - Account ExecutiveBlockworks - crypto and macro media platform - Editor & Software EngineerTitan - democratized investment platform - Crypto Investment Analystand more at IEQ Capital, First Round Capital, Gather, Athletic Greens, Avicado, ConvertKit, and many others!If you are a company in finance or technology looking to gain direct access to a large, growing talent pool, post a job to the board or email me to add your roles.20 Ways to Stand Out in a Hiring ProcessThe hiring process is ultra-competitive. But you’ve incorrectly been told that the only way to stand out is by having fancy degrees and credentials.20 ways to stand out in a hiring process (that don’t involve your resume):Do Your ResearchBefore an interview, spend a few hours researching the company and role. At a minimum, learn the company mission, read up on recent news on the company or its market, and study the backgrounds of the key leaders. Google is a powerful asset. Use it.Embrace “I Don’t Know”You can’t know the answer to every question. And you know what? That’s ok! Don’t be afraid to say “I don’t know” - but then follow it with a plan to acquire that information. “I don’t know, but I’ll dig in and follow up with an email.” Then follow up!Stop Fearing RejectionI’m not embarrassed to admit that I’ve been rejected for more jobs than I can count. It happens. You can’t be a fit for everything and everyone. Stop being afraid of rejection and put yourself out there. You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take. Prepare for “Why Us?”Interviewers inevitably ask, “Why us?” Make sure you are prepared for it. What attracted you to this company? The more specific, the better. Generic answers (“I love investing”) get minus points. Specific answers win. Stalk (Non-Creepily!)If you know who you will be interviewing with, spend time learning about their background and experience. Identify potential bonding areas (e.g. same alma mater, similar interests or hobbies, etc.). This prior knowledge may help you connect more deeply.Seek Warm IntrosWarm intros and references are the holy grail of a competitive hiring process. Scan your networks for any connections to a company (yes, LinkedIn is actually useful for something!). If you find any that are close enough, use them. The smallest edge can help! Blend Deference & ConfidenceShow deference to your interviewer, but not at the expense of confidence. The power dynamics of an interview are nuanced. Blending deference and confidence is how you manage them effectively and leave the interviewer with a positive impression.Play to Your StrengthsDon’t fight on an even playing field. If you have unique attributes or competitive advantages, use them. Played a team sport? Talk about it! Taught yourself to code? Hype that up! Humility is great, but make sure they know what makes you special! Show Your PassionShowing a genuine passion and excitement for the company and role is the easiest way to stand out from the crowd. People want to hire candidates that want to be there. So smile, express your excitement (calmly!), and let that passion shine through.Carry a NotebookWhen you go to an interview, always bring a notebook. It’s not just pageantry - use it. If something comes up that is interesting or requires a follow up, make a point of writing it down. It shows attentiveness. Interviewers notice these little things. Personalized Thank YousAfter an interview, always send a thank you note to the interviewer. Make them punchy (so that the person actually reads it!). Include a specific detail (that you wrote down in your notebook!) from the interview so that it doesn’t appear generic.Ask Unique QuestionsMost interviews end with a classic: “Do you have any questions for me?” This isn’t just a throwaway question. It is an opportunity to show off your differentiated initiative and hustle. Ask a unique question grounded in your diligence on ...

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