How to Stop Procrastinating

Curiosity Chronicle - Ein Podcast von Sahil Bloom


Welcome to the 979 new members of the curiosity tribe who have joined us since Friday. Join the 80,207 others who are receiving high-signal, curiosity-inducing content every single week.Today’s newsletter is brought to you by Write of Passage!Fun Fact: This newsletter would not exist if not for David Perell.When we first met, David explained his concept of the Personal Monopoly and convinced me to go all in on building mine. One year later, here we are.The Internet unfairly rewards people who have a unique set of skills, experiences, and ideas. When that combination is so unique that it can’t be replicated, you create a Personal Monopoly.David Perell has become the go-to guy for writing online, and has helped thousands of students create their own personal monopolies. He’s created a free guide to help people uncover their strengths, clearly communicate their value, and start building their reputation online with a free lesson from his Write of Passage course.This is a life cheat code. I highly recommend checking it out!Today at a Glance:Type I Procrastination is common and generally not very harmful. We procrastinate on doing the laundry, taking out the trash, or replying to our emails. Type II Procrastination is equally common, but much more damning. Type II tasks tend to be the long-term important projects—the true growth creators. When we procrastinate on these projects, we fail to make progress.The Anti-Procrastination System involves five core steps: (1) Awareness, (2) Deconstruction, (3) Plan Creation, (4) Stake Creation, and (5) Action.The system is equally applicable for both Type I and II, but given its deliberate structure, it’s likely better to walk through for the first time in the context of Type II Procrastination.How to Stop ProcrastinatingConfession: I’ve spent most of my life as a chronic procrastinator.I’ve also spent most of my life justifying that chronic procrastination. “It’s just how I work,” I’d say to myself after yet another stress-inducing last-minute sprint to complete a project. The pressure of an imminent deadline was what I needed to thrive.Scientifically, I wasn't wildly off…The Yerkes-Dodson Law—originally developed by psychologists Robert Yerkes and John Dodson in 1908—says stress and performance are positively correlated…up to a point, after which more stress reduces performance.But there are two core issues here:It’s very difficult to honestly review where you sit on the curve. Are you really at optimal stress, or have you gone past that point on the curve?If procrastination is the only way you’re able to create optimal stress, you only work on the urgent tasks—very rarely the long-term important tasks. As you’ll recall from my piece on The Ultimate Productivity Tool, this is a recipe for stalled progress.What I realized: A modest amount of stress, pressure, and arousal is good—but relying on procrastination to create it is bad. Procrastination is a growth limiter—it restricts our potential.It became clear to me that I needed to develop a system to fight back.In today’s piece, I’d like to share that system with all of you.The Anti-Procrastination SystemI categorize procrastination-prone tasks into two types:Type I: Small & BoringType II: Big & ScaryType I Procrastination is common and generally not very harmful. We procrastinate on doing the laundry, taking out the trash, or replying to our emails.Type II Procrastination is equally common, but much more damning. Type II tasks tend to be the long-term important projects—the true growth creators. When we procrastinate on these projects, we fail to make progress—we stall. The Anti-Procrastination System involves five core steps:AwarenessDeconstructionPlan CreationStake CreationActionThe structure is sequential, but its practice is often dynamic & iterative.Note: The system is equally applicable for both Type I and II, but given its deliberate structure, it’s likely better to walk through for the first time in the context of Type II Procrastination.Let's walk through each of the steps...AwarenessAs with most mental hurdles, the first step is becoming aware of the problem.Procrastination is defined as the action of postponing or delaying something. Ancient Greek philosophers called it Akrasia—acting against your better judgement. We procrastinate when it's easier to delegate a task to our future self.Don’t beat yourself up about it. The proclivity to procrastinate is literally hardwired into our DNA. We value immediate rewards, even if we know that it isn’t what’s best for us in the long-term.To develop awareness, schedule a daily assessment of your day-to-day actions. Start by identifying the important long-term projects in your life.Then ask a few questions:Am I proud of the actions I am taking on these big projects?Am I doing what I should be doing?If the answers are “no”—that’s great.You're now aware of your procrastination and can proceed to the next step...DeconstructionThe driver of Type II Procrastination is that bi...

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