Three 2019 Christmas Trends - Festive Product Development

Welcome to the 2019 Christmas trends Elevate Your Curiosity podcast! The 2018 Christmas trends podcast was my most downloaded so far so I’m so excited to share the Christmas trends for this year with you all.   I love delving into all the places you can spot trends and pulling together Christmas themes to inspire your product development. Wherever you are in your Christmas product creation journey I wanted to share some of my thoughts to kickstart or add to your range as the retail Christmas countdown is on!   And as with all the trend podcasts I’ve created a Pinterest board for each Christmas theme to pull all the visual inspiration together. Please do refer to each Pinterest board as you listen or go back and have a nosy later.   Let me know your thoughts on Instagram @arnoldandbird   Full Christmas 2019 trend show notes

Om Podcasten

Welcome to the Creative Flow podcast A podcast for product-based businesses looking for an inspiration boost to enhance their designs and mindset. Hosted by Joanne Griffin - a retail mentor who works collaboratively with creative retail brands just like you. My passion is to share quick and relatable tips on running a business, developing your product range and mastering your mindset. So we can get into our creative flow every day.