Getting Your Classroom Ready for Summer (FASTER!)

THERE’S ALWAYS SO MUCH TO DO BEFORE SUMMER VACATION.Before you can turn in your classroom keys for the summer you likely have paperwork to complete, reorganizing your classroom cabinets, closets, and drawers —all those things that got in disarray in the thick of the school year.And if you’ve ever been that last teacher out the door sailing off into summer vacay mode - then you know how painful it can be!  (Trust me - I’ve been there more times than I care to count!)So, let’s not let it happen again, mmmk?What if you could be the FIRST teacher checkin’ out for the summer?  What if you had your classroom, cleaned, prepped, organized, and ready for custodial approval ….EARLY?Sounds lovely.The secret to making it all happen?  Don’t do it all yourself!  Instead of waiting till your students leave on that last day of school to get your classroom in order, enlist the help of your students to get it done FASTER!  And you know what - students actually LOVE to help you clean and organize your classroom.  It’s a win-win.Now, before you start passing out garbage bags, sponges, and cleaning sprays - you need to have a METHOD to the madness.  And that’s what this episode is all about.  I’ll show you exactly how I successfully and methodically had my students help me prepare my classroom for the summer.For complete show notes visit: & Resources Mentioned in the Episode:Grab my FREE Classroom Clean-Up Tasks

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If you have a classroom and a commute, then you're in the right place! The Classroom Commute Podcast is THE place for busy teachers who want actionable tips, simple teaching strategies, and a little fun on your ride in to school! Carpool with Rachael each week as she helps to send you in with a grin! Each week Rachael shares simple, yet powerful teaching tips, ideas, and strategies that will help you become a more effective teacher, and maybe help you enjoy your job a little more!You'll find actionable tips for how to make your lessons more engaging for your elementary students, ideas for including more classroom technology, new activities to implement, ways for building a stronger classroom community, and strategies for all content areas including science, social studies, reading, writing, and math!And of course, there will be a little teacher humor along the way! So - buckle up and let's hit the road on your classroom commute!