Maximizing & Optimizing Profit: Pricing Reviews, Competitor Positioning and Strategic Efficiencies

As we roll full steam ahead into Q3 for 2022, it’s time for a check-in. Are you reviewing your business performance from the first half of the year? How about your finances? If not, now is the perfect time to take a look and check your progress against your goals, because you’ll want to know where you stand going into today’s episode, so you can come out with a plan for maximizing your profits.Today, we’re looking at the 5 key areas for opportunities in stretching out profit margins and maxim...

Om Podcasten

The She Means Profit Podcast is devoted to helping entrepreneurs master their finances and launch, grow, and scale their businesses. Simple, digestible, actionable advice from Melissa Houston, an accredited CPA with over 20 years of experience. Real business owners, real talk, real solutions.